Talking efficiencies, quality of life, bicycles and more...
Brian Coddington, Communications Director, No Phone Number Available
Monday, September 9, 2013 at 8:30 a.m.
We’re moving forward as a city. In the days and weeks ahead, you’ll hear discussions about the budget, work to improve quality of life downtown and citywide, operational efficiencies associated with fleet management, warming centers and improvements that will make downtown more bicycle-friendly. Watch Mayor David Condon discuss these topics during a Monday media update.
- Citizen input has been invaluable in developing the budget and we invite more. The City is hosting the second of three neighborhood Town Hall meetings on Wed., Sept. 11 at 7 pm at the Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland. Find out more. View the budget and provide feedback.
- We are committed to improving the safety and quality of life in downtown Spokane and across the City. A group of downtown stakeholders – known as the Clean and Safe Task Team – has been meeting regularly to discuss gaps in services to the varied members of the downtown community. Additionally, we have implemented a multi-system approach to address the complex needs of the underserved population downtown.
- The City Council will consideration several ordinances that are intended as additional tools to promote quality of life in downtown Spokane. The intent is to reduce vehicle prowling, ensure transit buses remain safe, protect pedestrian access on public walkways, preserve and protect the use of 911 for emergency reporting only, and prevent individuals from interfering with access to healthcare facilities.
- The Spokane Police Department is taking a proactive approach to positively engage our youth. Funding to support the implementation of the Youth and Police Initiative (YPI), a nationally recognized program, to prevent youth violence and strengthen the relationship between the police department and the city’s youth is being proposed to the Council. It has been successfully implemented in cities such as Boston, Philadelphia, New Haven, CT, and White Plains, NY.
- Finalists have been named to build the Nelson Service Center, which will combine Solid Waste Management and Fleet Management into a central location that creates operational efficiencies and long-term savings. Consolidations will include large repair and maintenance (from three today), fueling station, vehicle washing, and fleet repair facilities, resulting in reduced travel time and fuel costs.
- Community, Housing and Human Services is asking social service agencies to apply to act as “warming centers” for the homeless during periods of extreme cold weather for the 2013-14 winter. Applications are available at They are due Sept. 24 by 5 p.m.
- Bicycle-friendly improvements are continuing downtown. Work is expected to be completed this fall on 800 feet of 8-feet and 10-feet-wide trail, new signing, striping and bike racks, and curb ramps where needed. The work starts next Monday.
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