David Condon

Making a difference downtown

David Condon, Mayor, No Phone Number Available

Monday, September 30, 2013 at 2:30 p.m.

Making a difference downtown

Continuously evaluating and improving the safety and quality of life in downtown Spokane is a top community priority. The challenges we face as a community require complex solutions. The components include the right balance of available and accessible services and enforcement tools.

We are making incremental progress in three areas important to the long-term safety and economic vitality of downtown: safety, services and structures. Work continues to build from the near-term gains toward long-term solutions that engage our youth, provide resources to the underserved and allow everyone to share and enjoy the tremendous assets downtown.

A group of stakeholders, which includes Downtown Spokane Partnership staff and its members, has been meeting regularly. Individually and collectively, the group – known as the Clean and Safe Downtown Team – and its members are implementing innovative programs, evaluating the multi-systems approach and identifying new ideas.

The ultimate goal is reducing crime and improving the downtown experience for everyone.

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