Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Julie Happy

Ready. Set. Snow?

Julie Happy, Division Communication Manager of Business and Developer Services, No Phone Number Available

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 11 a.m.

The first snow has hit Spokane. Reaction was the same as every year when the snow arrives.

For most there is despair, depression, reluctance; for skiers and others – anticipation and excitement. No matter if you love or hate snow, that first snow brings more accidents than at almost any other time as people adjust to the conditions. A few reminders as we enter snow season – slow down, leave plenty of space from the car ahead, and brake gently and with enough room to stop.

The Spokane Street Department is the primary responder during snow events and responsible for snow removal and de-icing activities within the City. The focus is improving driving, ensuring that emergency responders can reach citizens and keeping people and commerce moving.

This year, new electronic variable message signs on Division Street, Third Avenue and the Maple/Ash corridor will alert drivers to road conditions and closures. They look and function very similar to the electronic reader board signs on the freeway.

Additionally, the City has worked with a local startup company, Business Texter, to expand the use of text messaging alerts (txt 509.385.5775 to sign up for snow updates) and social media. Both have proven effective in communicating when a snow event is declared and cars need to be moved for plowing. Look for updates at and on Facebook and Twitter.

Your neighborhood Council is another good way to receive updated information through the neighborhood email distribution networks. You can also contact the City's snow line at 509.456.2666 and watch City Cable 5 for snow updates.

Below is the Basic snow information. For further details and the snow map, visit our Snow Plan information page.

  • Snow Season – Runs Nov. 15 to Mar. 15. In residential areas, cars should be parked on the odd side of the street designated by the property address within 6 hours of a snow event.
  • Snow Event – Declared when weather conditions warrant it. There are 2 stages that can be declared during a snow event.
  • Stage 1 Snow Event – When 2 inches of snow are on the ground and 4 more are anticipated during the current snow event.
  • Stage 2 Snow Event – When 6 inches of snow are on the ground and more is anticipated during the current snow event.
  • Snow Corridor Plan – Implemented when City crews cannot effectively keep arterials clear because of weather conditions. Crews will concentrate on identified routes that citizens can rely on until conditions improve.

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