Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Lisa Gardner

City Council 2022: Moving Forward

Lisa Gardner, Director of Communications and Community Engagement, 509.625.6226

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 2:55 p.m.

CP BreeanBeggs

Breean Beggs
City Council President

For most of our community, 2021 was a year of recovery. Stepping into yet another year of a global pandemic, filled with additional uncertainties and instability, many organizations and businesses had to adapt and pivot to accommodate the unexpected challenges and changes we faced as a city. The City of Spokane and City Council stood resilient, adaptable, focused, and determined to serve all of Spokane’s community members with productive and measurable outcomes.

City Council passed a resolution establishing the framework and guiding principles for the deployment of funds received from the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The City of Spokane has been allocated $80 million in recovery funds in addition to more than $190 million for other jurisdictions across Spokane County.

Public Safety is a top priority for the City and Council and funding for fire, police, and housing services continues to take the bulk of discretionary City funding. The City-sponsored focused Community Conversations meetings between police and local leaders to bridge gaps in the current practices and relationships between police and the neighborhoods. This included the implementation of new statewide reforms as well as ideas on how to be more effective in responding to mental health calls for service. The Mayor and Council successfully negotiated and approved a police guild contract that reflected the concerns of constituents and guild members. Overall, the budget for policing and fire services increased while using extra funds for community-based delivery of services.

Council Members and staff had a phenomenal year of community engagement with the formation of several committees and subcommittees. Council approved 3 new volunteer-based subcommittees with focus areas in housing, equity, and environmental justice. These subcommittees will gather professional and lived experiences from community members to help guide, shape, and set forth future policy in areas of housing, sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

In a historic first, the Council voted unanimously to establish the City’s first Office of Civil Rights, Equity, and Inclusion (OCREI). OCREI will provide citywide leadership and guidance in the areas of civil rights, equity, and inclusion and will promote the removal of historical and existing barriers to access to services within the boundaries of the City of Spokane and work to eliminate discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations while increasing opportunities for participation for all people.

Other major actions taken during 2021 include:

  • The approval of a Spokane Sustainability Action plan that looks to build capacity to mitigate the local effects of climate change and reduce greenhouse gasses now and in the future. Council’s Sustainability Action Subcommittee led the charge on the development of the plan, which underwent an extensive public outreach period.
  • The establishment of a culturally astute Land Acknowledgement and renaming of Ft. George Wright to Whistalks Way.
  • Modification and expansion of the Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Board to include more members from the community.
  • Supported the creation of affordable housing by approving a housing action implementation plan that will increase housing density within the City and beginning the collection of a dedicated .1% sales tax to build more low-income housing.
  • Adoption of an apprenticeship ordinance improving the City’s apprenticeship utilization program for public works projects.
CM Candace Mumm

Candace Mumm

2021 was the final year of service for both Councilmembers Candace Mumm and Kate Burke. Councilmember Mumm was instrumental in the activation of the free Summer Youth Passes in partnership with Spokane Transit Authority (STA). Additionally, Councilmember Mumm was a vocal advocate in COVID-19 vaccination and spearheaded Council’s partnership with Spokane Fire Department for vaccination clinics at local firehouses in all Council Districts. Her leadership, tenacity, a keen eye for the details, and her relenting work ethic were second to none.

CM Kate Burke

Kate Burke

Councilmember Burke was spearheaded the formation of the City’s Flag Commission and helped lead the commission’s work, resulting in the adoption of a new City flag this year. She continued to be an advocate for the unhoused and to bring light to women’s health issues. Her unwavering compassion, humanistic outlook on social issues, and steadfast determination will be sorely missed on Council.

In 2022, Council welcomes two new Councilmembers, Councilmember Zack Zappone of District 3, and Councilmember Jonathan Bingle of District 1. I look forward to their contributions to the Council and to the City of Spokane.

  • CM Zack Zappone

    Zack Zappone

  • CM Jonathan Bingle

    Jonathan Bingle

City Council logo

2022 Outlook

In the last five years, City Council has demonstrated that when Spokane leads, the State of Washington often follows with balanced public policy improvements. 2022 starts out with a short legislative session and the City of Spokane’s legislative agenda focuses on continuing the progress we have made in previous sessions, especially in the areas of improving public safety, transportation, and housing.

Legislative Priorities for 2022

Smart Justice

Improve public safety, reduce recidivism, and lower criminal justice costs by establishing a pilot program that enables the Spokane region to use Accelerated Rehabilitation and Community Safety (ARCS) diversion services for certain property and drug crimes.

Traffic Safety

Safeguard pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers by permitting the City of Spokane to expand the use of automated traffic safety cameras near schools and parks. Dedicate revenue from infractions to fund traffic calming measures that will help reduce speed and enhance the street environment for non-motorists.

Affordable Housing

  • Expand housing opportunities by allowing the City of Spokane to use the revenue it collects from existing tax increment financing (TIF) areas to help pay for land acquisition and construction of affordable housing.
  • Support legislation to allow land banking, which enables local governments to develop a public entity focused solely on converting distressed properties into productive use according to local community goals.
  • Grant authority for the Washington State Department of Transportation to lease its vacant properties for the purpose of building affordable homes and to use lease proceeds for property maintenance expenses.

Transportation Funding

  • Approve a robust new-revenue Transportation Budget to fund the backlog of repairs for roads, highways, and bridges, invest in maintenance and preservation, improve public transit and bike-pedestrian mobility, promote vehicle electrification, and accelerate the construction of the North Spokane Corridor.
  • Provide cities with additional transportation funding opportunities that support safe streets, equity, sustainability, and connecting communities.

Capital Budget

  • Create a stand-alone Municipal Court diversion bed facility that supports the City’s Smart Justice initiative to address crime in a more cost-effective manner.
  • Refurbish and modernize the former Hillyard Library to create a dual-purpose community center, with a behavioral health program operated by the MultiCare Behavioral Health Network and an incubator for local cultural groups.
  • Secure funding to complete the Carl Maxey Center’s transformation from a neglected 1920s building into an African American-focused Cultural Center that will be a gathering place for the community, as well as a business and technical hub for the East Central neighborhood in Spokane’s East-Central neighborhood.
  • Improve playground equipment and other facilities at Northeast Spokane’s historic Minnehaha Park, a 39-acre public park located at Euclid Avenue and Havana.
  • Establish an intake and referral center to help people who are experiencing homelessness secure housing, mental and behavioral health treatment, food security, job assistance, and other critical services needed for recovery.
  • Install suicide-prevention barriers on Spokane’s Monroe Street Bridge in response to the well-documented increase in mental health crises and the proven effectiveness of barriers in stopping suicide attempts.

Distribution of American Recovery Plan Act Funds

City Council just approved the first $14 million of $80 million in ARPA spending for housing, childcare, small business support, and city parks enhancements.  Council will continue to roll out additional funding priorities and work closely with the Mayor’s Office to solicit vendors to distribute the actual program funds. 

Increased Housing Choices

City Council will be working closely with the Planning Department and the Plan Commission to expand housing choices throughout the City, especially in neighborhoods that have robust bus service.  This will be accomplished by providing financial incentives to builders, reducing development fees, and changing existing land-use laws that will allow more units on the same amount of land while being sensitive to neighborhood design standards. 

Improved Traffic Calming Program

City Council has substantially increased the funding for neighborhood traffic calming projects and created a new process that will kick off this year for each neighborhood to prioritize and request projects on a rolling four-year basis. 

Updating City Water System

The City has begun a major study of its water system needs for the next twenty years and will also be working on updated smart water usage practices in 2022.  The goal is to plan financially for new water system infrastructure while reducing usage and costs in support of meeting our legal obligations to maintain Spokane River flows and ease the burden on ratepayers.

Financial Reforms to Improve Public Safety

The City will be tackling reforms in its overtime and vehicle purchases and usage to free up more money within fire and police to provide more direct services to the public.  Council and the Mayor’s Office will be utilizing new studies in each area so that we can increase the number of public safety personnel deployed in Spokane and use them more effectively. 

Increased Shelter Beds

The City Council has budgeted substantial funds in 2022 to build and operate more year-round shelter beds that are designed to save people’s lives and move them into permanent housing. 

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