Interlocal Agreements

Listed below are all Interlocal Agreements adopted by the City of Spokane from January 1, 2006, forward.

Pursuant to RCW 39.24.040, an interlocal agreement "shall be filed with the county auditor or, alternatively, listed by subject on a public agency's website or other electronically retrievable public source."

No. File Date Department
1. OPR 1982-0106 - Interlocal Purchase Agreement with the City of Medical Lake 3/23/1982 Purchasing
2. OPR 1982-0288 - Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with Spokane School District No. 81 7/7/1982 Purchasing
3. OPR 1984-0059 - Interlocal Cooperative Lease and Purchase Agreement with Washington State Data Processing Authority 2/7/1984 Purchasing
4. OPR 1986-0140 - Interlocal Purchase Agreement with the City of Wenatchee 3/10/1986 Purchasing
5. OPR 1986-0410 - Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with the City of Cheney 7/14/1986 Purchasing
6. OPR 1986-0524 - Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with the City of Richland 9/29/1986 Purchasing
7. OPR 1987-0068 - Interlocal Purchase Agreement with the South Fork Coeur d'Alene River Sewer District 1/2/1987 Purchasing
8. OPR 1987-0083 - Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with Fire District #9, Spokane County 2/9/1987 Purchasing
9. OPR 1987-0217 - Interlocal Purchase Agreement with the City of Sandpoint, Idaho 4/30/1987 Purchasing
10. OPR 1987-0257 - Interlocal Purchase Agreement with the City of Clarkston 4/20/1987 Purchasing
11. OPR 1987-0504 - Interlocal Purchase Agreement with Clallam County 8/31/1987 Purchasing
12. OPR 1989-0019 - Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with Stevens County 1/15/1998 Purchasing
13. OPR 1991-0444 - Interlocal Purchase Agreement with the Spokane International Airport 4/22/1991 Purchasing
14. OPR 1995-0065 - Interlocal Agreement with Pierce County 1/12/1995 Purchasing
15. OPR 2000-0794 - Interlocal Procurement Agreement with Fairfax County, Virginia 8/31/2000 Purchasing
16. OPR 2010-0028 - Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with the Office of State Procurement of the State of Washington 1/25/2010 Purchasing
17. OPR 2011-0310 - Interlocal Procurement Agreement with Snohomish County Fire Protection #1 4/21/2011 Purchasing
18. OPR 2022-0626 - Interlocal Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation - reimburse them for construction of trail segment under Trent Ave Bridge 9/12/2022 Engineering Services
20. OPR 1981-1053 - Wastewater Management Agreement: Spokane County 4/30/1979 Wastewater Management
21. OPR 1982-0094 - Intergovernmental Cooperation Purchasing Agreement between Spokane County and the City of Spokane 3/17/1982 Purchasing
22. OPR 1987-0589 - Procurement Agreement: City of Ellensburg 10/27/1987 Purchasing
23. OPR 1987-0704 - Procurement Agreement: City of Kirkland 12/29/1987 Purchasing
24. OPR 1988-0284 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane Transit Authority 4/26/1988 pur
25. OPR 1988-0492 - Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan - Periodic Update/Revision: Spokane County 7/18/1988 Solid Waste Management
26. OPR 1988-0864 - Spokane Regional Solid Waste Management System: Spokane County 10/10/1988 Spokane Regional Solid Waste System
27. OPR 1991-0433 - Cooperative Agreement Centennial Trail Maintenance Management & Security: Spokane County, Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission 4/30/1992 Parks & Recreation
28. OPR 1992-0648 - Procurement Agreement: City of Bellevue 7/23/1992 Purchasing
29. OPR 1994-0752 - Procurement Agreement: Kitsap County 10/17/1994 Purchasing
30. OPR 1994-0827 - Procurement Agreement: City of Tacoma 11/2/1994 Purchasing
31. OPR 1994-0930 - Growth Management Act Joint Planning Agreement: Spokane County and Local Municipalities 3/1/1995 Planning Services
32. OPR 1995-0344 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 8 3/24/1995 Purchasing
33. OPR 1995-0558 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 13 6/15/1995 pur
34. OPR 1996-0239 - Procurement Agreement: Ferry County 3/4/1996 Purchasing
35. OPR 1996-0371 - Procurement Agreement: City of Omak 4/22/1996 Purchasing
36. OPR 1996-0589 - Purchasing Agreement: City of Everett 7/26/1996 Purchasing
37. OPR 1996-0773 - Procurement Agreement: City of Walla Walla 9/23/1996 Purchasing
38. OPR 1996-0877 - Northside Landfill Ground Water Pump & Treatment System: Washington State Department of Ecology 11/30/1996 Solid Waste Management
39. OPR 1997-0299 - Procurement Agreement: County of Walla Walla 3/18/1997 Purchasing
40. OPR 1997-0393 - Procurement Agreement: Adams County 4/16/1997 Purchasing
41. OPR 1997-0639 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 6 7/2/1997 Purchasing
42. OPR 1997-0679 - Procurement Agreement: City of Seattle 7/23/1997 Purchasing
43. OPR 1997-0744 - Procurement Agreement: Washington County Oregon 8/14/1997 Purchasing
44. OPR 1997-1093 - Procurement Agreement: Vancouver Educational Service District 12 12/19/1997 Purchasing
45. OPR 1998-0019 - Procurement Agreement: Stevens County 1/15/1998 Purchasing
46. OPR 1999-0520 - Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement: Kittitas County 6/14/1999 Purchasing
47. OPR 1999-0849-AMENDMENT - Interlocal Agreement between City and Spokane County Fire Protection District #10 concerning mitigation of the impact of the Park Place Annexation 8/3/2006 Public Works & Utilities
48. OPR 1999-0856 - Procurement Agreement: City of Bellingham 10/7/1999 Purchasing
49. OPR 2000-0063 - Purchasing Agreement: Cowlitz County 1/14/2000 Purchasing
50. OPR 2000-0079 - Hearing Examiner Services: Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority 11/19/1999 Hearing Examiner
51. OPR 2000-0326 - Purchasing Agreement: King County 4/11/2000 Purchasing
52. OPR 2000-0765 - Procurement Agreement RWIS Harware & Services: Spokane International Airport & Washington State Department of Transportation 8/11/2000 Purchasing
53. OPR 2001-0273 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 10 4/4/2001 Purchasing
54. OPR 2001-0328 - Procurement Agreement: City of Pullman 4/17/2001 Purchasing
55. OPR 2001-0591 - Procurement Agreement: Stevens County Fire District 1 8/3/2001 Purchasing
56. OPR 2001-0592 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 1 8/3/2001 Purchasing
57. OPR 2001-0593 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 2 8/3/2001 Purchasing
58. OPR 2001-0594 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 3 8/3/2001 Purchasing
59. OPR 2001-0595 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 4 8/3/2001 Purchasing
60. OPR 2001-0596 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 11 8/3/2001 Purchasing
61. OPR 2001-0597 - Procurement Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 12 8/3/2001 Purchasing
62. OPR 2001-0866 - Procurement Agreement: Multnomah County Oregon 10/24/2001 Purchasing
63. OPR 2001-0955 - Procurement Agreement: Kalamath County Oregon 11/28/2001 Purchasing
64. OPR 2001-1001 - Procurement Agreement: City of Lynnwood 12/12/2001 Purchasing
65. OPR 2002-0840 - Procurement Agreement: Whitman County 10/9/2002 Purchasing
66. OPR 2002-0885 - Procurement Agreement: City of Ephrata 10/23/2002 Purchasing
67. OPR 2002-0921 - Procurement Agreement: City of Issaquah 11/5/2002 Purchasing
68. OPR 2003-0352 - Procurement Agreement: City of Kennewick 4/22/2003 Purchasing
69. OPR 2003-0512 - Solid Waste Management Agreement: Spokane County, City of Spokane Valley 7/15/2003 Solid Waste Management
70. OPR 2003-0536 - Purchasing Agreement: King County Director's Association 6/30/2003 Purchasing
71. OPR 2003-0550 - Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) & Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC); City of Spokane, Spokane County, WA State DOT, Spokane Transit Authority, Cities of Airway Heights, Cheney, Deer Park, Fairfield, Latah, Liberty Lak 1/4/2016 Street
72. OPR 2003-0629 - Procurement Agreement: City of Vancouver 7/28/2003 Purchasing
73. OPR 2003-0658 - Transfer of Facilities/Convention Center Expansion: Spokane Public Facilities District (PFD) 8/20/2003 Office of the Mayor
74. OPR 2003-0982 - Establishment of Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area: Spokane County and City of Spokane Valley 3/9/2004 Economic Development
75. OPR 2004-1086 - Mitigation of the impact of annexation in Moran Prairie and Glenrose Prairie: Spokane County Library District 12/13/2004 Library
76. OPR 2005-0883 - Cooperation Agreement to End Homelessness in the City and County of Spokane: Spokane County 12/20/2005 Human Services
77. OPR 2006-0891 - Combined Communications Center Fire/EMS Dispatch Services: Spokane County Fire Protection Districts, and Cities of Airway Heights, Cheney and Medical Lake 12/31/2006 Fire Department
78. OPR 2006-0960 - NVI AND NSI Interceptor Conveyance Facilities Capacity Acquisition Value and Payment Procedures: Spokane County 12/18/2006 Wastewater Management
79. OPR 2007-0415 - Regional Solid Waste Management System Participation: Spokane County and Town of Rockford 6/5/2007 Spokane Regional Solid Waste System
80. OPR 2007-0461 - Purchasing Agreement: Okanogan County 6/14/2007 Purchasing
81. OPR 2007-0693 - Traffic Signal Preemption for Emergency Vehicles: Spokane County Fire District No. 9 9/7/2007 Fire Department
82. OPR 2008-0117 - Joint Planning in Urban Growth Areas: Spokane County 2/25/2008 Planning Services
83. OPR 2008-0184 - SCRAPS Facility Expansion: Spokane County 5/15/2008 Engineering Services
84. OPR 2008-0345 - Purchasing Agreement: Vancouver School District No. 37 5/12/2008 Purchasing
85. OPR 2008-0644 - Forestland Fire Response Mutual Assistance: Washington State Department of Natural Resources 6/13/2008 Fire Department
86. OPR 2009-1025 - Interlocal with Spokane County Fire District No 9 Kootenai County Fire & Rescue & City of Coeur D' Alene Fire Department for mutual aid services 12/23/2009 Fire
87. OPR 2009-1064 - Annexation of Spokane International Airport: Spokane County 1/19/2010 Office of the Mayor
88. OPR 2010-0032 - JAG ARRA Grant Funds: Spokane County 10/1/2009 Police Department
89. OPR 2010-0602 - Procurement Agreement: Skagit County Fire Protection District 8 8/9/2010 Purchasing
90. OPR 2010-0832 - Purchasing Agreement: National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company 9/9/2010 Purchasing
91. OPR 2010-0934 - Procurement Agreement: Pend Orielle County 12/20/2010 Purchasing
92. OPR 2011-0141 - Mental Health Court Judicial Services: Spokane County, Spokane County District Court 1/1/2011 City Attorney
93. OPR 2011-0266 - Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with Chelan County 4/11/2011 Accounting
94. OPR 2011-0483 - Interlocal Procurement Agreement with Yakima 6/17/2011 Purchasing
95. OPR 2011-0484 - Interlocal Procurement Agreement with Yakama County, State of Washington 6/17/2011 Purchasing
96. OPR 2011-0514 - Purchase Radio Equipment COPS Interoperable Communications Technology/Washington State Military Dept./U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security Grants : Spokane County 4/1/2012 Police Department
97. OPR 2011-0957 - Procurement Agreement: Asotin County 12/2/2011 Purchasing
98. OPR 2011-0983 - Back-up Combined Communications Center Costs: Spokane County 1/1/2012 Fire Department
99. OPR 2012-0243 - Joint Use of Facilities: Spokane Public Schools 6/13/2016 Parks & Recreation
100. OPR 2012-0267 - Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) : Spokane County 5/22/2012 Human Services
101. OPR 2012-0472 - Fire Protection Services Palisades & Indian Canyon Conservation Properties: Spokane County Fire District 10 1/1/2012 Parks & Recreation
102. OPR 2012-0508 - Purchasing Agreement: HGACBuy 6/7/2012 Purchasing
103. OPR 2012-0584 - Agreement with Spokane County reinstating and modifying the detention services contract. 7/19/2012 Mayor's Office
104. OPR 2012-0591 - Establish Traffic School for City Municipal Court: Spokane County 10/1/2012 City Attorney
105. OPR 2012-0762 - Spokane County Department of Emergency Management: Spokane County, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, Town of Millwood, Town of Fairfield, Town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, Town of Rockford, Town of Spangle, City of Cheney, City of Airway Hei 10/3/2012 Fire Department
106. OPR 2013-0030 - Animal Control Services: Spokane County 1/1/2014 City Council
107. OPR 2013-0031 - Purchasing Agreement: Purchasing Solutions Alliance (PSA) 1/2/2013 Purchasing
108. OPR 2013-0052 - Form Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC), Define its Organization & Powers, & Jurisdictional Area: Spokane County, City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, WA State Department of Transportation, STA, Spokane Airport Board, & other cities & towns 2/25/2013 City Council
109. OPR 2013-0074 - Provide CAD, RMS and JMS Systems: Spokane County, Spokane County Sheriff 1/1/2010 Police Department
110. OPR 2013-0087 - Procurement Agreement: City of Ocean Shores 2/1/2013 Purchasing
111. OPR 2013-0091 - ESRI GIS Software Enterprise License Agreement: Spokane County, Cities of Spokane & Spokane Valley, Spokane Regional Health District & STRC 12/22/2004 Information Technology
112. OPR 2013-0132-AMENDMENT - Amendment 1 to Operating Agreement: Northeast Public Development Authority (NEPDA) 5/18/2020 Planning Services
113. OPR 2013-0389 - Competitively Bid Purchasing Services: The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS/TAPS) 4/17/2013 Purchasing
114. OPR 2013-0448 - Establish Spokane Area Workforce Development Council as a Washington Non-Profit Corporation & Designate SAWDC as the Fiscal and Administrative Agent of the Spokane Area Consortium: Spokane County 6/17/2013 City Attorney
115. OPR 2013-0448-AMENDMENT - Amended & Restated - Establish Spokane Area Workforce Development Council as a Washington Non-Profit Corporation & Designate SAWDC as the Fiscal and Administrative Agent of the Spokane Area Consortium: Spokane County 6/24/2024 Community and Economic Development
116. OPR 2013-0449 - Terminate Existing Interlocal Cooperation Agreement and Form Spokane Area Consortium with Spokane Area Workforce Development Council as Fiscal & Administrative Agent: Spokane County 6/17/2013 City Attorney
117. OPR 2013-0449-AMENDMENT - Amendment to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Spokane Area Workforce Development Council as Fiscal & Administrative Agent: Spokane County 6/24/2024 Community and Economic Development
118. OPR 2013-0650 - Commute Trip Reduction Implementation: Spokane County 9/9/2013 Planning Services
119. OPR 2013-0830 - Establishing Supplemental Fire Response System: Spokane County Fire District 3 12/11/2013 Fire Department
120. OPR 2014-0060 - Solid Waste Transfer and Disposal Post November 16, 2014: Spokane County 10/17/2019 Solid Waste Management
121. OPR 2014-0060-AMENDMENT - Amendment No. 4 to Interlocal with Spokane County for transfer and disposal services at the City Waste to Energy Facility. 11/15/2023 Solid Waste Disposal
122. OPR 2014-0240 - Procurement Agreement: Lincoln County 3/26/2014 Accounting
123. OPR 2014-0268 - Sharing of 2014 Jury Management Service for Spokane Municipal Court: Spokane County and Spokane Superior Court 1/2/2014 Municipal Court
124. OPR 2014-0269 - Construction Inspection Services Multi Family Apartment Community: Kalispel Tribe of Indians 4/14/2014 Planning Services
125. OPR 2014-0296-AMENDMENT - Amended Interlocal Agreement between City of Spokane and City of Airway Heights to provide sewer service and Exotic Metals property located in the Airway Heights sewer service area. 8/30/2021 Wastewater Management
126. OPR 2014-0593 - Spokane River Centennial Trail Interagency Cooperative Agreement with Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, City of Spokane, Spokane County, City of Spokane Valley, and City of Liberty Lake 2/25/2019 Parks
127. OPR 2014-0610-AMENDMENT - Interlocal Agreement Extension with City of Cheney for solid waste disposal services at the Waste to Energy Facility from November 17, 2021, through November 16, 2026. 10/11/2021 Solid Waste Disposal
128. OPR 2014-0615 - Purchasing Agreement: National Purchasing Partners 1/1/2014 Accounting
129. OPR 2014-0727 - Disposal Services: City of Medical Lake 11/17/2014 Spokane Regional Solid Waste System
130. OPR 2014-0727-EXTENSION - Interlocal Agreement Extension with the City of Medical Lake for disposal of solid waste at the Waste to Energy Facility from November 17, 2021, through November 16, 2026. 10/19/2021 Solid Waste Disposal
131. OPR 2014-0728-EXTENSION - Interlocal Agreement Extension with City of Airway Heights for disposal services at the Waste to Energy Facility from November 127, 2021, through November 16, 2026. 10/11/2021 Solid Waste Disposal
132. OPR 2014-0749 - Establish First Alarm Response System (Automatic Aid) & Enhance Services & Efficiencies for Technical & Swift Water Rescue: Spokane Valley Fire Department 10/1/2014 Fire Department
133. OPR 2014-0818 - Tracking of & Responding to City Urban Farming ORD C35087 Complaints: Spokane County, SCRAPS 10/1/2014 Community and Neighborhood Services
134. OPR 2015-0007 - Hearing Examiner Services: City of Millwood 1/1/2015 Hearing Examiner
135. OPR 2015-0008 - Hearing Examiner Services: City of Liberty Lake 1/1/2015 Hearing Examiner
136. OPR 2015-0009 - Hearing Examiner Services: City of Cheney 1/1/2015 Hearing Examiner
137. OPR 2015-0010 - Hearing Examiner Services: City of Airway Heights 1/1/2015 Hearing Examiner
138. OPR 2015-0074 - CAD RMS Cost Sharing - Replacement Systems Implementation & Ongoing Maintenance: Spokane County 2/9/2015 Financial Services
139. OPR 2015-0099 - Regional Waste Reduction & Recycling Outreach & Education: Spokane County, WA State Department of Ecology 11/17/2015 Solid Waste Disposal
140. OPR 2015-0391 - Mutual Law Enforcement Assistant Agreement Establishing Authority of SPD Special Commission School Resource Officers to Act within the Jurisdiction of Spokane County: Spokane County Sheriff's Office 5/1/2015 Police Department
141. OPR 2015-0402 - Purchase LiDAR Topographic Survey Data for City of Spokane LiDAR Project: Kitsap County 5/26/2015 Information Technology
142. OPR 2015-0432 - Automatic Aid Response System Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 8 6/16/2015 Fire Department
143. OPR 2015-0433 - Automatic Aid Response System Agreement: Spokane County Fire District 9 6/16/2015 Fire Department
144. OPR 2015-0439 - Reciprocal Training: Vera Water & Power 6/1/2015 Water & Hydroelectric Services
145. OPR 2015-0588 - Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement for Washington State for Intrastate Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN): Washington WARN 8/6/2015 Water & Hydroelectric Services
146. OPR 2015-0658 - Law Enforcement Functions Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center Grounds: Department of Veterans Affairs 6/11/2015 Police Department
147. OPR 2015-0843 - Distribute & Care for Trees: Spokane Conservation District 9/25/2015 Neighborhood Services & Code Enforcement
148. OPR 2015-0901 - Cost Sharing for Use of County/City Public Safety Building/Gardner Avenue Building, Law Enforcement Services (January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2012): Spokane County 5/1/2015 Police Department
149. OPR 2015-0902 - Dissolve Spokane Regional Drug Task Force and form Spokane Regional Safe Streets Task Force: Spokane County Sheriff’s Office, Spokane Valley Police Department, Spokane Police Department, Washington State Patrol, Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office 10/19/2015 Police Department
150. OPR 2015-1056 - Expenditure of University District Revitalization Area Funds: University District Public Development Authority (UPDA) 12/14/2015 Planning Services
151. OPR 2015-1057 - Provision of Crime Check Services by Spokane County 911/Emergency Communications Department, City/County Crime Reporting Center: Spokane County 1/1/2016 Police Department
152. OPR 2016-0010 - Historic Preservation Grant Agreement: Spokane County 1/1/2016 Historic Preservation
153. OPR 2016-0138 - Trading of Professional Services between City Public Defender's & County Public Defender's Office Clients with Conflict of Interest: County Public Defender's Office 1/1/2016 pu
154. OPR 2016-0226 - Range Use Agreement: Spokane County Sheriff’s Office 1/1/2016 Police Department
155. OPR 2016-0227 - Range Use Agreement: Spokane County Detention Services 1/1/2016 Police Department
156. OPR 2016-0307 - Hearing Examiner Services: Spokane County 1/1/2016 Hearing Examiner
157. OPR 2016-0372 - Mental Health Court Prosecution & Public Defense: Spokane County, Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney, Spokane County 1/1/2016 City Attorney
158. OPR 2016-0560 - Opticom Traffic Signal Preemption System for Emergency Vehicles Airway Heights Fire Department 7/11/2016 Fire Department
159. OPR 2016-0569 - Services Performed by Supervised Inmate Work Crews: Spokane County, Spokane County Sheriff 4/30/2016 Parks & Recreation
160. OPR 2016-0582 - Implementation & Annual Maintenance of CAD, RMS, and Mobile Applications: Spokane International Airport 7/25/2016 Police Department
161. OPR 2016-0585 - Relicensing Program: Spokane County, Spokane County Prosecutor 7/25/2016 City Attorney
162. OPR 2016-0623 - Lease Space Spokane County-City Public Safety Building & Spokane County Courthouse Annex for Spokane Municipal Court & Probation Department: Spokane County 1/1/2015 Municipal Court
163. OPR 2016-0659 - Distribution & Care of Trees: Spokane Conservation District 4/1/2016 Neighborhood Services & Code Enforcement
164. OPR 2016-0667 - Services Performed by Supervised Inmate Work Crews: Spokane County, Spokane County Sheriff, Geiger Corrections Center 1/1/2016 Neighborhood Services & Code Enforcement
165. OPR 2016-0689 - Hearing Examiner Services: City of Chewelah 9/12/2016 Hearing Examiner
166. OPR 2016-0690 - Garland Walk Bike Bus Project: Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) 9/12/2016 Integrated Capital Management
167. OPR 2016-0737 - Opticom Traffic Signal Preemption System for Emergency Vehicles: Spokane County Fire District 10 9/15/2016 Fire Department
168. OPR 2016-0822 - Creation and Operations of the Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC): Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Spokane County, City of Spokane, Spokane Transit Authority (STA), City of Spokane Valley, Spokane Regional Tran 10/24/2016 Street
169. OPR 2017-0074 - Fire/EMS Interlocal Agreement for Dispatching Services with Spokane County Fire Districts 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 with the Cities of Airway Heights, Cheney, and Medical Lake 2/6/2017 Fire
170. OPR 2017-0319 - Interlocal agreement with Spokane Conservation District for the Spokane River Gorge Restoration to water new plants. 6/24/2019 Integrated Capital
171. OPR 2017-0324 - Interlocal Agreement Spokane Count Detention Services Geiger Corrections Center Work Crew Services 10/17/2019 Accounting / Purchasing
172. OPR 2017-0463 - Interlocal Agreement between City and Spokane County forming Public Development Authority West Plains Airport Area 10/17/2019 Finan & Admin
173. OPR 2017-0465 - Interlocal Procurement Agreement Central Pierce Fire Rescue 10/17/2019 Accounting / Purchasing
174. OPR 2018-0266 - Interlocal Procurement Agreement between the City of Spokane Port Townsend allowing parties to utilize properly competed procurement agreements 10/16/2019 Purchasing
175. OPR 2018-0413-AMENDMENT - Amendment 1 to Agreement with Fairchild Airforce Base for handling and disposal of solid waste from the base. 5/15/2023 Solid Waste Disposal
176. OPR 2018-0494 - Relicensing Program: Spokane County, Spokane County Prosecutor 1/1/2008 City Attorney
177. OPR 2018-0495 - Mental Health Court Prosecution & Public Defense: Spokane County, Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney, Spokane County 1/1/2007 City Attorney
178. OPR 2018-0556 AMENDMENT - Interlocal Agreement Extension with Spokane County Treasurer's Office for processing of utility payments 1/1/2022 Public Works
179. OPR 2018-0726 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County for Historic Preservation Services from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2021 11/18/2018 Historic Preservation
180. OPR 2018-0753 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County Sherriff, Spokane Police. and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for a shared site 11/19/2018 Police
181. OPR 2018-0855 - Sportsplex Interlocal Agreement with Spokane Public Facilities District, City of Spokane, Spokane Parks for indoor sports facility 1/14/2019 Mayor
182. OPR 2019-0021 - Amendment to the Interlocal Sportsplex Joint Committee Meeting Dates 8/30/2019 Parks
183. OPR 2019-0030 - STA Plaza Spokane Police Interlocal Agreement to provide Police presence around STA and neighboring businesses downtown to help deter illegal activity. 1/28/2019 Police
184. OPR 2019-0100 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County, Spokane County Fire District 9, Spokane County Sheriff, Spokane County Emergency Communications Board to allocate the costs associated with the Backup Combined Communications Center 10/16/2019 Fire
185. OPR 2019-0196 - Hearing Examiner Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County for services from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019 for pro-tem services. 3/18/2019 Hearing Examiner
186. OPR 2019-0209 - Interlocal Agreement Between City of Spokane Washington State Department Transportation Maple Street Gateway Project at I-90 Maple and 4th Avenue Lincoln Wall 10/16/2019 Integrated Capital Management
187. OPR 2019-0320 - Agreement between Municipal Court, Airway Heights and the City whereby various City agencies will provide recurring criminal services to Airway Heights. 4/22/2019 Municipal Court
188. OPR 2019-0534 - Interlocal Master Agreement between Spokane Public Schools, City of Spokane, Spokane Public Library, and Spokane Parks and Recreation general obligation bonds construction renovation three middle schools and Albi Stadium 7/22/2019 City Attorney
189. OPR 2019-0555 - Memorandum of Understanding MOU SPD Spokane Police WSU Washington State University Health Sciences Sexual Assault Protocal 7/10/2019 Police
190. OPR 2019-0558 - Interlocal Agreement Spokane County Fire District 10 Emergency Management Services Fire Protection Palisades Park Indian Canyon conservation area 10/16/2019 Parks
191. OPR 2019-0562 - Interlocal Agreement Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) 6/27/2019 Retirement
192. OPR 2019-0752 - Forestland Fire Response Mutual Assistance: Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) 9/23/2019 Fire
193. OPR 2019-0845 - Mental Health Court 10/29/2019 City Attorney
194. OPR 2019-0846 - Relicensing Program Project 10/29/2019 City Attorney
195. OPR 2019-0849 - Agreement between City and Spokane County for space in the Courthouse annex for use by Spokane Municipal Court. 10/14/2019 Municipal Court
196. OPR 2019-0852 - Agreement with Spokane Regional Emergency Communications to provide back-up Fire dispatch services to the City of Spokane 10/14/2019 Fire
197. OPR 2019-0926 - Reformation of the West Plains/Airport Area Public Development Authority and approving it's charter and bylaws 10/28/2019 City Council
198. OPR 2019-0927 - Reformation of the University District Public Development Authority and approving it's charter and bylaws 10/28/2019 City Council
199. OPR 2019-0928-AMENDMENT - Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County regarding the Northeast Public Development Authority 6/26/2023 Planning & Economic Development
200. OPR 2019-0992 - Operational agreement between Spokane Regional Safe Streets Task Force (SRSSTF) and Spokane County Sheriff's Office (SCSO), Spokane Valley Police Department (SVPD) and Spokane Police Department (SPD) 11/18/2019 Police
201. OPR 2019-1016 - Interlocal cooperation agreement with NoaNet for providing fiber optic facilities and services. 11/18/2019 Innovation & Technology
202. OPR 2019-1091 - Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) 12/3/2019 Grants & Contract Mgmt
203. OPR 2020-0062 - Agreement between the City and County Law Enforcement agencies articulating the parameters of the joint use of the Public Safety Building. 2/3/2020 City Attorney
204. OPR 2020-0063 - County/City joint use agreement regarding sharing of Sheriff and Police Law Enforcement Services 2/3/2020 City Attorney
205. OPR 2020-0151 - Cooperation Agreement between the City of Medical Lake and the City of Spokane for Hearing Examiner Services 12/17/2019 Hearing Examiner
206. OPR 2020-0152 - Cooperation Agreement between Spokane County and the City of Spokane for Hearing Examiner Services 1/14/2020 Hearing Examiner
207. OPR 2020-0683 - Procurement Agreement: South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue 8/27/2020 Fire/EMS
208. OPR 2020-0702 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County for the management of the Frontier Behavioral Health contract related to the WASPC Grant and sub-recipient contract for the year 2020-2021 9/21/2020 Police
209. OPR 2020-0742 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County for Mental Health Crisis Facility for Law Enforcement and First Responders 10/5/2020 City Attorney
210. OPR 2020-0787 - Agreement between City and School District 81 for the Engineering Construction Management Office Relocation Project 11/2/2020 City Attorney
211. OPR 2021-0010-AMENDMENT - Amendment to interlocal agreement between Police and Spokane Transit Authority that enhances safety and security in the downtown Spokane area 12/16/2022 Police
212. OPR 2021-0015 - Interagency Agreement between Washington State Patrol and Spokane Police Department to maximize commercial vehicle, driver and cargo inspection resources. 1/1/2021 Spokane Police Department
213. OPR 2021-0053-AMENDMENT - Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between the City and University District Public Development Authority as related to Resolution 2021-0016 entitled "Sprague Phase 2 and Riverside Avenue Streets Projects Limited Tax General Obligation Bond, Series 3/22/2021 Integrated Capital Management
214. OPR 2021-0196 - Interlocal Procurement Agreement between City of Spokane and Thurston County to allow the parties to utilize each other's properly competed procurement agreements. 3/17/2021 Grants, Contracts, and Purchasing
216. OPR 2021-0234 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane International Airport for the Water System Plan. 4/12/2021 Engineering Services
217. OPR 2021-0361 - Interlocal Cooperation Agreement to allow Spokane County to utilize PMWeb, the City's Software as a Service solution for Capital Project Management. 5/25/2021 Engineering Services
218. OPR 2021-0408 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County and Spokane County Prosecutor to fund and staff the Relicensing Program for 2020 6/21/2021 City Attorney
219. OPR 2021-0422 - Agreement between Spokane Public Schools and the City to improve Cook Street adjacent to Shaw Middle School and the library campus in Northeast Spokane. 6/28/2021 Public Works
220. OPR 2021-0514 - Rejoining the Spokane Regional Joint Emergency Management Organization and adopting Interlocal Agreement for services with Spokane County Department of Emergency Management. 8/3/2021 Emergency Management via Mayor's Office
221. OPR 2021-0605 - Three-year Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County for Historic Preservation services. 1/1/2022 Historic Preservation
222. OPR 2021-0616 - Establishing interlocal relationship between Workforce Development, Spokane County, and the City of Spokane 11/29/2021 Facilities Management
223. OPR 2021-0804 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane Regional Emergency Communications for CAD and IT Services 12/29/2021 Fire
225. OPR 2022-0128 - Spokane County and City for geo-registered digital oblique & orthogonal images from Eagleview (Pictometry) 2/28/2022 Innovation & Technology
227. OPR 2022-0506 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane Public Schools to reimburse SPS for repaving a portion of Wellesley Avenue related to the new Pauline Flett Middle School. 7/11/2022 Public Works
228. OPR 2022-0622 - lnterlocal Cooperation Act Agreement for Establishment of Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) 9/13/2022 Community and Economic Development
229. OPR 2022-0622-AMENDMENT - Amendment - lnterlocal Cooperation Act Agreement for Establishment of Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) 10/2/2023 Community and Economic Development
230. OPR 2022-0732 - Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County Sheriff's Office for use of transport van 10/17/2022 Police
231. OPR 2022-0777 - Interlocal agreement between City and Spokane Regional Emergency Communications Regarding Fire Dispatch Communications Services 10/24/2022 FIRE
233. OPR 2023-0473 - Interlocal agreement with WA State Department of Transportation to reimburse WSDOT for conduit under Wellesley 5/1/2023 INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES
234. OPR 2023-0490 - Agreement with Spokane Regional Broadband Development Authority regarding Open Access Broadband Infrastructure, Services, Delivery Enhancements & Digital Equity Solutions. 5/8/2023 Community and Economic Development
236. OPR 2023-0849 - Interlocal agreement with Spokane School District 381 for capital costs related to school-based health centers 8/28/2023 Public Works
237. OPR 2023-0849-AMENDMENT - Amendment #1 & Extension to Interlocal Agreement between City and School District 81 to support creation of an additional health clinic. 9/9/2024 Public Works
238. OPR 2023-1002 - Agreement between City and Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (WSCJTC) outlining duties and responsibilities around vehicle repairs and maintenance. 10/2/2023 Police
239. OPR 2023-1071 - Agreement between City, STA and Spokane County to carry out grant award from the Federal Transit Administration to develop the Division Street corridor 10/23/2023 Planning & Economic Development
240. OPR 2024-0047 - Interlocal with Spokane Transit Authority for Police Department Plaza police services in and around 701 W Riverside Avenue 2/26/2024 Police
241. OPR 2024-0380 - Interagency Agreement with Department of Natural Resources to use a portion of the Community Wildfire Defense Grant. 5/20/2024 Fire
242. OPR 2024-0569 - Interlocal Agreement with the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission outlining reimbursement process regarding expansion of the Spokane Police Academy’s Training Center 7/22/2024 Police
243. OPR 2024-0678 - Agreement between Spokane City & County regarding cost sharing for an online referral tool (OLR) from Eceptionist, Inc. in support of the City and COunty Supervision departments/Criminal Justice Services. 8/26/2024 Information Technology
244. OPR 2024-0742 - Interlocal Agreement - Spokane County awarded S3R3 Solutions (West Plains Airport Area Public Development Authority) up to $1,000,000 in American Rescue Plan (ARP) grant funds for reimbursement to the City for Spotted Booster Station. 9/9/2024 Integrated Capital Management
245. OPR 2024-1062 - Interlocal Agreement increasing the rate for the Hearing Examiner services from $125 to $150 per hour - Airway Heights 12/9/2024 Finance & Administration
246. OPR 2024-1063 - Interlocal Agreement increasing the rate for the Hearing Examiner services from $125 to $150 per hour 12/9/2024 Finance & Administration
247. OPR 2024-1064 - Interlocal Agreement increasing the rate for the Hearing Examiner services from $125 to $150 per hour - Medical Lake 12/9/2024 Finance & Administration
248. OPR 2024-1065 - Interlocal Agreement increasing the rate for the Hearing Examiner services from $125 to $150 per hour - Spokane Valley 12/9/2024 Finance & Administration
249. OPR 2024-1066 - Interlocal Agreement increasing the rate for the Hearing Examiner services from $125 to $150 per hour - City of Cheney 12/9/2024 Finance & Administration
250. OPR 2024-1067 - Interlocal Agreement increasing the rate for the Hearing Examiner services from $125 to $150 per hour - City of Chewelah 12/9/2024 Finance & Administration
251. OPR 2024-1068 - Interlocal Agreement increasing the rate for the Hearing Examiner services from $125 to $150 per hour - City of Millwood 12/9/2024 Finance & Administration

City Clerk's Office

5th Floor City Hall
808 West Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201-3342

Phone: 509.625.6350
Fax: 509.625.6217