2009 Annual Report Recommendations

Recommendation Status
Increase level of supervisory training for Police Corporals. Corporals attend leadership training regularly; the Academy is developing a formal field training program for Corporals.
Provide all Department employees Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity training. Assigned to Academy for follow-up.
Provide Tactical Language training to patrol personnel. Will be provided in Spring 2011 Inservice training.
Established policy for “Rendering”. Daily training bulletin issued in April 2010; discussed at April 2010 leadership training.
Provide training regarding State residency requirements and how residency applies to vehicle violation enforcement. Shift level training provided via the Patrol Captain.
Track the number of Police encounters with individuals who exhibit symptoms of Excited Delirium and report. New code added for Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) tracking; revised training bulletin issued in September 2010.
Develop policy regarding viewing of video in a timely manner if it may have potential evidentiary value. Covered at Spring 2010 leadership training for Corporals, Sergeants and above.

Contact Information

Office of Police Ombuds
1st Floor, City Hall
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: 509.625.6742
Fax: 509.625.6748
Regular Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Bart Logue
Police Ombuds

Luvimae Omana
Deputy Ombuds

Christina Coty
Executive Assistant

Tim Szambelan
Police Ombuds Attorney