Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

2017/2018 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments

Final Action

The City Council passed all proposed amendments in November 2018. On November 5, they acted on Z2017-623COMP (Kain Investments LLC), Z2017-624COMP (U Haul), Z2017-630COMP (Plese & Plese LLC), and Z2018-253COMP (Kinnear). On November 19, the City Council acted on Z2017-612COMP (Clanton Family LLC). Final ordinances are provided below.

ORD C35690 relating to application made by Clanton Family LLC, planning file #Z17-621COMP, amended the land use plan map of the City's Comprehensive Plan from Office to General Commercial for approximately 0.68 acres and amended the zoning map from Office Retail (OR-150) to Community Business (CB-150).

ORD C35688 relating to application made by Kain Investments LLC, planning file #Z17-623COMP, amended the land use plan map of the City's Comprehensive Plan from Residential 15-30 to Neighborhood Retail for approximately 4,873 square feet.

ORD C35689 relating to application made by U Haul, planning file #Z17-624COMP, amended the land use plan map of the City's Comprehensive Plan from Office to Commercial for approximately 10.76 acres.

ORD C35687 relating to application made by Plese & Plese LLC, planning file #Z17-630COMP, amended the land use plan map of the City's Comprehensive Plan from Residential 4-10 to Office for approximately 0.25 acres and amended the zoning map from Residential Single Family (RSF) to Office (O-35).

ORD C35686 relating to application made by City of Spokane Council Member Kinnear, planning file #Z18-253COMP, added to the text of Chapter Two – Implementation of the City’s Comprehensive Plan to include a reference to the Joint city Council-Administration Six-Year Strategic Plan adopted by resolution number RES2017-0101.

Additional Information:

For the 2017/2018 review cycle, five land use applications were received and forwarded to Ad Hoc City Council Committee for early threshold review. This review was completed on February 7, 2018. This committee recommended that the City Council move all five proposals onto the Annual Amendment Work Program. Additionally, at the February 7, 2018 meeting, the committee recommended that staff craft proposals to expand the geographic area of three of the proposed amendments and present these to the city council at time of Resolution setting the Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program.

The City Council adopted the Annual Amendment Work Program for 2018 by resolution on March 26, 2018. The City Council adopted all of the five land use applications and included one expansion area for the “Plese & Plese” application; the other expansion areas were not forwarded. Also at that time, the Council added a city-sponsored proposals to the work program. Council Member Kinnear is the sponsor of a text amendment to Chapter 2, Section 2.1, to include a reference to the Joint City Council-Administration Six-Year Strategic Plan.

Following the City Council adoption of the Annual Amendment Work Program, the applicants were required to provide the full application materials and fees in order to begin review. One applicant, Ventura Land Holdings LLC on April 11, 2018 notified the Planning Department that they decided to withdraw their application. Therefore the Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program consisted of four land use plan map applications/proposals (with one proposal modified with an expanded area for consideration) and one text amendment proposed.

On May 29, 2018 the 60-day public comment period for the annual amendments began with mailed notice to property owners, taxpayers and occupants within 400-feet and signs on the properties. The public comment period concluded on July 27, 2018. Written comments received during this period were forwarded to the Plan Commission. Additionally, the Plan Commission held workshops during the public comment period. Agency and Interested City Department Review, as well as affected Neighborhood Councils, were sent Request for Comments on April 20, 2018. Agency comments were requested April 20, 2017 through May 7, 2018. No requests for further study or additional information on any of the proposals were received during the agency comment period.

City of Spokane Planning issued a SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) DNS (Determination of Non-Significance) for each proposal on August 28, 2018. Staff Reports were issued on August 29, 2018 and are available for review in the documents below. On August 29, 2018, public notice of the Plan Commission Hearing and SEPA Determinations was performed. This included mailed notice to property owners, taxpayers and occupants within 400-feet and signs on the properties. The Plan Commission Public Hearing was held on September 12, 2018 and continued to September 26, 2018.

The City Council held a public hearing on all proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments for 2018 on Monday November 5, 2018 at 6 p.m. at their regularly scheduled meeting in the City Council Chambers, Lower Level of City Hall at 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. All were invited to attend and provide public testimony on these items. Written comment was also accepted and was forwarded to the Plan Commission for consideration at the hearing. The City Plan Commission held a public hearing on all five amendments on September 12, 2018 and continued to September 26, 2018. The City Plan Commission forwarded recommendations of approval on all amendments.

File # General Location Neighborhood Applicant
Z2017-612COMP W 6th Ave & S Stevens Cliff/Cannon Clanton Family LLC
W 7th Ave & S. C St West Hills Ventura Land Holdings LLC
Z2017-623COMP 9th Ave & S. Madison Cliff/Cannon Kain Investments LLC
Z2017-624COMP 1616 S Rustle St West Hills U Haul
Z2017-630COMP 6216 N. Washington St. North Hill Plese & Plese LLC
Z2018-253COMP Comprehensive Plan text amendment N/A Council Member Kinnear

Related Documents


The City of Spokane accepts applications to amend the text or maps in the Comprehensive Plan between September 1 and October 31 of each year, per SMC 17G.020. All complete applications received will be reviewed by a city council subcommittee and those placed on the Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program for the City of Spokane will begin full review early in the calendar year. Anyone may make a proposal to amend the City's Comprehensive Plan.

The City of Spokane's Comprehensive Plan addresses many facets of city life, including land use, transportation, capital facilities, housing, economic development, natural environment and parks, neighborhoods, social health, urban design, historic preservation, and leadership. The City of Spokane is committed to conducting an annual process to consider amendments to the comprehensive plan. The GMA specifies that amendments to a comprehensive plan cannot be made more frequently than once per year. The purpose for this is two-fold: it gives the plan stability over time, avoiding spontaneous changes in response to development pressures, and it groups all proposed amendments in a common process for consideration, providing the opportunity to examine their collective effects on the plan.

Following review by a City Council subcommittee, who sets the Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program, Plan Commission consideration of each amendment proposal on the Work Program will be conducted at public workshops held during the public comment period, typically in the summer. Applicants will be afforded the opportunity to address the Plan Commission during the workshop regarding their application. The City Council considers the amendment proposals, staff report, and Plan Commission's amendment recommendations within the context of its budget discussions, and acts on the amendment proposals prior to or at the same time as it adopts the City budget, usually late fall. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process, please contact Tirrell Black at 509.625.6300 or

Contact Information

Tirrell Black
Associate Planner
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201-3329
