Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Corbin Cottages Preliminary Long Plat and Rezone from RSF to RSF-C

Application/Permit Number: Z21-042PPLT


William Sinclair, Storhaug Engineering


516 W. Cora Avenue; and 440 W. Cora Avenue (formerly addressed as 600 W. Cora Avenue)

Description of Project

The applicant is proposing a 13-lot plat, with one common tract, and a public street to serve new lots together with a rezone of a larger 18.87 acre site from RSF to RSF-C. The 13-lot preliminary long plat is approximately 1.89 acres in size and located at 516 W Cora Avenue (parcel 35064.3613). A second parcel, addressed as 440 W Cora Avenue (parcel 35064.3612) is 16.98 acres in size and is proposed to be rezoned from RSF to RSF-C together with the parcel 35064.3613 for a total rezone area of 18.87 acres as noted above. The Preliminary Long Plat and Rezone Applications are both Type III applications and there will be a Public Hearing in front of the City Hearing Examiner on this combine application.


The Hearing Examiner issued a Decision with revised conditions on December 6, 2021. The date of the last day to appeal is the 20th of December, 2021 at 5PM. The appeal fee of $500 must be paid in full at the time an appeal is made. An appeal shall take the form of a written statement of the alleged reason(s) the decision was in error or specifying the grounds for appeal or reconsideration. In addition to paying the appeal fee to appeal the decision, the ordinance requires payment of a transcript fee to the City of Spokane to cover the costs of preparing a verbatim transcript and otherwise preparing a full record for the City Council.

SEPA Review

The comment period for this SEPA ended on September 6, 2021. This DNS is issued under the optional DNS process in section 197-11-355 WAC. There is no further comment period on the DNS; the lead agency will not act on this proposal for at least 14 days from the date of issuance. Appeal of this DNS must be received within 14 calendar days after the signing of this DNS. The SEPA DNS is available for review here. The environmental checklist is located under Application Materials below.

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Contact Information

Written comments should be sent via mail or email:

Planning and Development Services
Melissa Owen
Assistant Planner
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201-3329