Division Street Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Pilot

Division Street TOD Pilot

About This Study

This study is about land-use planning and connectivity outside of the Division Street public right-of-way, behind the curb. This work will address zoning, development regulations and east-west connectivity to Division Street. If you are looking for information about Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) work happening within the Division Street public right-of-way, please visit the Spokane Transit Authority’s page about Division Street Bus Rapid Transit.

Are you interested in learning more about...
Transit-Oriented Development? Bus Rapid Transit?
Land use changes
Development regulations and zoning
East-west connectivity to Division Street
Changes within Division Street’s right-of-way
Transit station improvements
Transit frequency and routing
You’re in the right place! Visit the STA Website

Project Purpose

The City of Spokane, Spokane County, and STA will be working with the community to produce a corridor-wide vision for transit-oriented development (TOD) along the Division Street corridor. This vision will be supported by station-specific economic analysis, transit-oriented land-use recommendations, multi-modal infrastructure recommendations, and a development policy framework backed by environmental justice principles. This plan will enable the City, County, and STA to guide future development to achieve transit-supportive conditions around major transit stations.

Funded by $405,000 from the FTA Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning, this plan will build upon the integrated transportation and feasibility analysis completed under the DivisionConnects Study conducted by SRTC and STA.