Project Number: 2024070
Status: Design
This project replaces approximately 3,050 feet of 8-inch cast iron water main with a 12-inch ductile iron main along Freya Street from 21st Avenue to 13th Avenue. Work also includes roadway repairs, ADA-compliant curb ramps, and coordination with utilities to minimize service disruptions.
Freya Street between 21st and 13th Avenue
The main activities within this project include:
Enhanced water system reliability and fewer service disruptions. Traffic detours and closures will be planned, but local access and emergency routes will be maintained.
SEPA compliance required; no major environmental/cultural concerns anticipated.
For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor’s public representative.
Contractor Public Representative
City Project Manager - Design Phase
Benjamin Ward
City Project Manager - Construction Phase
John Hogberg