Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Grand Blvd Zoning Header Graphic

Grand Boulevard Transportation & Land Use Study

The Final Adopted Grand Boulevard Transportation and Land Use Study is completed and now available! The City Council approved the resolution for the Study on August 17, 2020.

If you have questions about the Study, please email Melissa Wittstruck, project co-lead, at

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Grand Boulevard Transportation and Land Use Study. Your comments and participation at workshops and Open Houses were key to developing this Study. Although no projects are currently funded for implementation, this study will function as a platform for future public improvement work in the Grand District Center, including City projects and future Sacajawea Middle School, and a useful guide for private developers looking at projects in this area.


The Grand Boulevard Transportation & Land Use Study will require a coordinated community effort by local stakeholders, key public representatives, technical staff from partner agencies, and City staff. The City also has a consultant team to help complete several analyses, including transportation.

A continuous public engagement strategy will be key to the study. Please look for opportunities to participate in public engagement opportunities starting fall of 2019.

Here are the elements of the study:

  • REVIEW: Traffic patterns & safety on Grand Blvd.
  • DEVELOP: Understanding of bicycle & pedestrian needs.
  • EVALUATE: Concepts of lane reduction, bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and green infrastructure. Analyze residential & retail data and conduct market analysis for redevelopment potential.
  • STUDY: Land use designations and patterns of use with Comprehensive Plan goals in mind.

The City has collected traffic data, including bike and pedestrian counts while school was in session.


The need for this study was identified over the last few years. In December 2017, the Spokane City Council adopted Resolution 2017 0105 in support of such a study. The Comstock allocated traffic calming dollars and Rockwood and Manito/Cannon Hill neighborhoods also support this work.

More Information

Study Presentations and Documents

Contact Information

Tirrell Black

Inga Note
Senior Traffic Planning Engineer

Items of Interest

View the Grand Boulevard Project Plan video.