Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Infill Housing Zoning Code Update Project (2012)

For more information about the proposed amendment please contact Planning & Development by phone at 509.625.6300.

The City Plan Commission held a public hearing on June 13, 2012 on recommendations for revisions to the Spokane Municipal Code related to improving options for the development of infill housing. The Plan Commission held the record open for written public testimony until the end of the day on July 5, 2012.

Proposed amendments to the Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) include:

Project Background

Infill development in its simplest form is the development or redevelopment of land that has been bypassed, remained vacant, and or is underutilized. Infill development may occur anywhere that a parcel of land is vacant or is not developed to the full number of units allowed in the underlying zoning designation.

As Spokane continues to grow as a city, infill development will become more important as large tracts of land become less available. Support and encouragement of infill development should be implemented through City standards and policies in order to ensure quality projects and compatibility with existing neighborhoods.

Infill Housing Task Force

Adopted in 2001, the Comprehensive Plan contains goals and policies supporting infill development (PDF 477 KB). The Comprehensive Plan was followed up by the adoption of development standards that allow smaller lot sizes, zero lot line development, cottage housing and similar tools. While these standards have been supportive of development alternatives, it has become apparent that changes in the housing market as well as changing demographic trends have resulted in now being an appropriate time to review and update those standards.

In December of 2008, a representative task force (PDF 213 KB) of interested individuals and organizations was formed to look at existing standards to determine if improvements could be made encourage additional infill opportunities. Representation on the Infill Housing Task Force has largely remained constant. From the start, the task force has been made up of representatives from neighborhoods, real estate and development communities, low income housing advocates, and professional planners. In January of 2010, the task force elected Len Zickler and Kathy Miotke as co-chairs of the task force. They took an active role in leading the group, including setting agendas and research, with the assistance of Planning and Development Services staff. The group identified a list of work products and created a work program. The Infill Housing Task Force has completed its review of the base zoning code standards. It has also completed a draft code amendment for Pocket Residential Development. Review of draft amendments to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) code have been completed and will be presented to the Plan Commission.

Public Participation Program (PDF 122 KB)

Project Materials and Resources

Contact Information

Planning & Development