Project Numbers:
Status: Completed
Construction Start Date: March 18, 2024
Completion Date: October 2024
Construction Estimate: $9,985,091
Contractors: DW Excavating (Phases 1 & 3), Northwest Grading (Phase 2)
If you have special access requirements for your property (such as business, medical, or disability), or general questions about this project, please contact the Construction Relations Manager or Contractor Public Representative. Additionally, if your property is in the city-owned path of construction and will be disturbed, you will receive a separate letter with more details prior to construction.
For everyone’s safety, please obey all traffic signs and check for traffic updates throughout the project.
If, and when, there is a need for emergency evacuations, first responders will determine the best evacuation routes based on the conditions of the incident. Evacuation information will be shared with the community through ALERTSpokane and other public information channels.
Sign up for Alert Spokane to get the most current evacuation information during an emergency in your area
It's always recommended to create a customized emergency plan for your home and family. Spokane County Emergency Management will help you get prepared!
Additional Resources
Three projects are underway to enhance water and sewer infrastructure in the Cheney-Spokane Road and Marshall Road area, aiming to improve water transmission capacity and provide service to local parcels.
The projects involve the installation of water and sewer infrastructure along Cheney-Spokane Road and Marshall Road, with the goal of increasing water transmission capacity and providing service to parcels in the area. The project is divided into three phases:
All phases are expected to be completed within a five-month timeframe. However, the timelines are estimates and subject to change due to unforeseen obstacles during construction.
Please note that all schedules are approximate and dependent on weather and unforeseen delays. Contractors are required to provide two business days’ notice to affected homeowners or businesses if their property will be directly impacted by the work.
Download the Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 265 KB)
A water transmission line and sewer line is being installed to accommodate current and future needs.
The section between the Latah Creek Animal Hospital/Retail and Restaurant area to Cedar Rd. is estimated to close Tuesday, June 11. It is estimated to reopen in October, depending on construction progress and weather.
W. Qualchan Dr. to S. Meadow Lane Rd. (Distance 3.5 miles / Approx. 12 minutes)
Eagle Ridge to I-90. (Distance 14.5 miles / Approx. 25 minutes)
The 30-foot wide road will not accommodate a single-lane closure. The excavation trench and excavated material will be 20 feet wide and 15 feet deep, leaving less than a 10-foot wide area for construction workers, heavy equipment, vehicles, and materials. Further, the location of the utilities beneath Cheney-Spokane Rd. are close to the protected wetlands on one side and a railroad on the other. This location prevents a temporary “side road” from being constructed.
Residents are advised to follow our official detour route to Meadow Lane Rd. Meadow Lane will have significant traffic controls in place to increase the safety of this intersection.
A speed reduction from 60 mph to 45 mph for US-195 northbound will be implemented just south of the US-195N/Hatch Rd. intersection.
Residents should follow the official detours to US-195 or I-90. Businesses will remain accessible from the Cheney-Spokane Rd./US-195 Interchange.
We encourage the community to make the extra effort to support local businesses impacted by construction. All businesses will remain accessible from the Cheney-Spokane Road/US-195 interchange.
City of Spokane has coordinated with the following emergency services:
Spokane County Emergency Management urges residents and business owners to develop an emergency plan for any situation. Here are things you can do today:
Aaron Watts – City of Spokane Construction Relations Manager: or 509.992.4408
For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor’s public representative.
Contractor Public Representative
DW Excavating (Phases 1 & 3)
Cortney Wilson
Northwest Grading (Phase 2)
Dan Benson
City Construction Relations Manager
Aaron Watts
City Project Manager - Construction Phase
Kelly Heitstuman