Maxwell Avenue – Pettet to Walnut Bike/Pedestrian Safety Upgrades

Project Number: 2023111

Status: Design


This project enhances bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure along Maxwell Avenue from Pettet Drive to Walnut Street. Improvements include new sidewalks, buffered bike lanes, and crosswalk enhancements to better connect the West Central Neighborhood with AM Cannon Park, the West Central Community Center, and the Centennial Trail.


West Central

Project Timeline

  • Design & Coordination: Underway
  • Estimated Completion: June 2025

Key Objectives

  • Sidewalk Installation: Add a new sidewalk on the west side of Pettet Drive.
  • Bike Lane Construction: Build a 6-foot-wide bike lane (up to 3-foot buffer), linking the Centennial Trail to Maxwell at Walnut.
  • Crosswalk Enhancements: Upgrade crosswalk safety at Maxwell/Ash and Maxwell/Maple, including signal improvements and pedestrian islands.
  • Access Improvements: Provide better non-motorized access between the West Central Neighborhood and community destinations.

Project Scope

The main activities within this project include:

  • Sidewalk Infill: Extend a new sidewalk on the west side of Pettet Drive.
  • Buffered Bike Lane: 6-foot lane plus buffer from Nora to Elm, transitioning to a curbside bike lane from Elm to Walnut.
  • Enhanced Crosswalks: Add crosswalks with pedestrian islands and lighting at Belt Street and Elm Street.
  • Bus Stop Islands: Create bus stop islands at Maxwell/Elm for STA Route 36.
  • Signal Upgrades: Improve signals at Maxwell/Ash and Maxwell/Maple (estimate includes $400,000 for signal work).


  • Total Project Cost: $1,729,450 (includes design, construction, contingencies)
  • Sources: Washington State Pedestrian/Bike Program (85%) + Arterial Street Fund (15% local match)

Community Impact

By adding sidewalks, buffered bike lanes, and safer crosswalks, this project significantly improves non-motorized travel for cyclists and pedestrians in the West Central Neighborhood. It strengthens connections to popular community destinations, creating a safer, more accessible environment for all users.

Environmental & Regulatory Compliance

All necessary environmental reviews and permits will be obtained to ensure compliance with local and state regulations.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor’s public representative.

Contractor Public Representative

City Project Manager - Design Phase
Richard Proszek

City Project Manager - Construction Phase
Mike Zangara

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