NSC Trent Interchange Utility Relocations (E of Trent & Freya)

Project Number: 2020071

Status: Design

Project Overview

The NSC – Trent Interchange Utilities Project is part of the larger development of the North Spokane Corridor (NSC) Trent Avenue Interchange. This project involves relocating and replacing aging water mains to accommodate the future interchange construction. The work will include replacing existing cast iron water mains in Trent Avenue, Syndicate Boulevard, and Ralph Street with modern ductile iron mains, as well as upgrading connections in Cataldo and Desmet Avenues.

Project Locations

  • Trent Avenue: Replacement of a 10-inch cast iron water main.
  • Syndicate Boulevard: Replacement of an 8-inch cast iron water main.
  • Ralph Street: Replacement of an 8-inch cast iron water main.
  • Cataldo and Desmet Avenues: Tee connections and service main replacements.

Total Project Length: 0.6 miles

Lane Miles: 1.78

Total Project Cost: $1,543,160

Project Timeline

  • Start Date: Design and coordination with WSDOT are underway.
  • Completion Date: Estimated by August 31, 2023.

Key Objectives

  • Water Main Replacement: Replace old cast iron water distribution mains in Trent Avenue, Syndicate Boulevard, and Ralph Street with modern ductile iron mains to meet the city’s current standards.
  • Water Main Upsizing: Increase the size of the existing 10-inch water main in Trent Avenue to 12 inches for better capacity and efficiency.
  • Utility Relocations: Ensure that utility lines are properly relocated to support the NSC Trent Interchange construction.

Project Scope

The main activities within this project include:

  • Trent Avenue: Replace the existing 10-inch cast iron water main with a 12-inch ductile iron pipe over a distance of 1,600 feet, from Fiske Street to west of Freya Way.
  • Syndicate Boulevard: Lower and replace the existing 8-inch cast iron water main with an 8-inch ductile iron pipe over 980 feet, from Fiske Street to Ralph Street.
  • Ralph Street: Lower and replace the 8-inch cast iron water main over 630 feet, from Trent Avenue to just before the Union Pacific railroad crossing.
  • Cataldo and Desmet Avenues: Replace water main tee connections and service mains as needed to match WSDOT project extents.

Excluded Items:

  • No sewer utility relocations are planned unless the NSC roadway alignment changes.
  • Stormwater management is not included in this project and will be managed by WSDOT.


This project is fully funded by WSDOT using state funds. The estimated project cost is $1,543,160, covering design, construction, and contingencies.

Community Impact

This project is essential to maintain Spokane’s water utility infrastructure and accommodate the future North Spokane Corridor (NSC) Trent Avenue Interchange. By replacing and upgrading water mains, the project will ensure reliable water services for the area while supporting critical transportation improvements.

Environmental & Regulatory Compliance

The project will comply with all required environmental reviews, including the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) conducted by WSDOT. Necessary permits include SEPA and Road Obstruction Permits.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor’s public representative:
To be determined

If the contractor’s public representative cannot resolve your issue, please contact the City of Spokane - Engineering Services at 509.625.6700 or engineeringadmin@spokanecity.org.

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