Garbage and curbside recycling pickup will be a day late starting Wednesday, with Friday's pickup occurring on Saturday due to the Christmas holiday. Please have your carts out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day. See more information regarding other City closures.

Official Arterial Street Map Update – SMC 12.08.040

What's Happening Now

City staff is updating section 12.08.040 of the Spokane Municipal Code, which is home to the Official Arterial Street Map.


The City completed a revision of TR 12 – Planned Arterial Map during the 2017 Comprehensive Plan update. The purpose of this map is to provide a 20‑year plan for city streets, showing the anticipated long‑term function and location of future arterials.

The City also maintained an Official Arterial Street Map in SMC 12.08.040. While these two maps should match closely, there are a few differences. The Official Arterial Street Map in SMC 12.08.040 is intended to reflect current conditions. It has not been updated since 2008 and has many inconsistencies with the TR 12 Map in the Comprehensive Plan.

TR 12 Planned Arterial Map
located in Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4
Official Arterial Street Map
located in SMC 12.08.040
20+ year horizon
Anticipated long-term function
Show location of future arterials
Current operations
Traffic control decisions
Plowing and sweeping priorities
Design standards
Approving body – City Council Approving body – City Council

How will this impact me?

The impact will not be noticeable to most citizens. However some of the changes, if approved, would change local streets into arterials by adding stop signs on the side streets. The streets proposed for discussion on this action are listed below.

During the outreach process staff received many comments about the proposal to upgrade 17th Avenue, Woodside Avenue and Alberta Street. Based on the concerns from the neighborhoods we have removed these three street segments from the proposal.

Street Segment Neighborhood What would change?
Lyons Avenue from Nevada St. to Crestline St. Shiloh Hills Add stop signs on Perry, Helena and Napa where they intersect Lyons Avenue. Remove stop signs on Lyons at Pittsburg. No change to striping.
4th Avenue from Sunset Blvd to Maple St. Riverside Replace yield signs on Ash Street at 4th Avenue with stop signs. No change to striping.
Main Avenue from Cedar St. to Monroe St. Peaceful Valley Change the yield sign to a stop sign at Main / Cedar.
27th Avenue from Southeast Blvd to Ray St. Lincoln Heights Add stop signs on Mt. Vernon and Fiske Streets at intersections with 27th Avenue. No change to on‑street parking. A centerline stripe will be added due to the higher volume on this roadway.
Cedar Street from Broadway Ave to Summit Pkwy West Central Stop signs at College/Cedar would be reversed so that Cedar Street has the right‑of‑way. No change to striping.

Several other streets that are proposed to be upgraded to arterials already have stop signs and striping. So no changes will be made in the field.

If you have comments or would like to be notified by email of actions related to this proposal, please email and you will be added to the notification list. You may also contact Inga Note, Senior Traffic Planning Engineer, or 509.625.6331.

Project Schedule and Opportunities for Comment


Informational Links and Documents

Contact Information

Inga Note
Senior Traffic Planning Engineer
Integrated Capital Management
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201-3329

Bob Turner
Senior Traffic Operations Engineer