Project Number: 2024057
Status: Design
This project installs a new 8-inch sewer main and replaces an aging 8-inch cast iron water main along Perry Street, between 19th and 18th Avenues. Additional work includes replacing galvanized water service laterals with copper, reconstructing the roadway, and updating curbs, sidewalks, and driveways.
Perry Street between 19th and 18th Avenue
The main activities within this project include:
Upgrading utilities will enhance infrastructure reliability and provide public sewer access to properties along Perry Street. Temporary road closures and detours are planned, and property owners will be required to connect to the new sewer system within one year of installation.
All required environmental reviews and permits (e.g., SEPA Checklist, construction/drainage permits) will be obtained prior to construction.
For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor’s public representative.
Contractor Public Representative
City Project Manager - Design Phase
Kristy Warren
City Project Manager - Construction Phase
John Hogberg