Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

South Logan TOD Project

South Logan TOD

The South Logan Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Project supports more connectivity and livability in the South Logan area for the community, businesses, and organizations in the Logan Neighborhood. The project leveraged the recently built STA City Line bus rapid transit route through the area to create a focused community vision and policies that encourage mixed-use, walkable places close to transit.

The first phase of the South Logan TOD Project was the creation and adoption of the South Logan TOD Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), which were approved by City Council on January 29, 2024. The second phase was Implementation, which resulted in land use and zone changes, as well as citywide and area-specific amendments to the Spokane Municipal Code.


On Dec. 2, 2024, the Spokane City Council voted to approve the proposed South Logan TOD Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Z24-105COMP), which implemented the Preferred Alternative identified in the South Logan TOD Plan. Watch the recorded public hearing.

Learn more about the South Logan TOD Plan Implementation Comprehensive Plan Amendment.


Implementation of the South Logan TOD Plan includes the adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance, citywide and area-specific Spokane Municipal Code amendments, and land use and zoning changes. Until existing residential design standards are modified, new development must comply with the design standards currently found in the SMC.

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1 – Municipal Code Amendments

The South Logan TOD Implementation text amendments include area-specific and citywide changes. The area-specific text amendments to the Spokane Municipal Code affect development within the South Logan Project Area only, while the citywide text amendments affect development citywide, including properties with Center and Corridor zoning, properties with RMF/RHD zoning, and multifamily developments. The amendments were approved by City Council on Aug. 12, 2024.

Area-Specific Code Signed Ordinances

Citywide Code Signed Ordinances

SEPA DETERMINATION: A Notice of SEPA Determination and Checklist for the non-project action known as the South Logan TOD Implementation has been issued. The proposal implements the South Logan TOD Study by amending area-specific and citywide development regulations in the Unified Development Code of the Spokane Municipal Code, and crates the South Logan Planned Action Ordinance.

Phase 2 – Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Land use plan map designation amendments and rezones are required to increase housing capacity and support mixed-used and commercial development as envisioned by the South Logan TOD Plan. Learn more at the South Logan TOD Implementation Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Z24-105COMP) webpage.

Adopted South Logan TOD Plan and FEIS

The Final South Logan TOD Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement were approved by City Council on January 29, 2023. These documents were the result of working with community members to create a coordinated framework and development approach for the future of the South Logan area. The Plan presents goals and policies, based on community input, to encourage mixed-use and walkable places close to transit in South Logan. The FEIS examines the preferred alternative, based on public comments and feedback from the DEIS, and identifies impacts and mitigation strategies for planned development over the next 20 years.

South Logan Story Map

The South Logan TOD StoryMap provides information about the project study area through a variety of mediums to provide readers with a new experience on your own time. Scrolling through the online StoryMap, you will see maps, videos, and images along with narrative text allowing you to explore the South Logan TOD Project, draft alternatives, and the history of the Logan Neighborhood and the STA City Line route.

Get Involved

Recent Updates

Presentations and Materials

South Logan Implementation

City Council Public Hearing – Aug. 12, 2024

City Council Urban Experience Committee – July 8, 2024

Plan Commission Public Hearing – June 26, 2024

South Logan TOD Implementation Information Session (Virtual) – April 30, 2024

Plan Commission Workshops

Final South Logan TOD Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement
Draft South Logan TOD Plan and DEIS

The public was invited to submit written comments during the 30-day public comment period from May 9 to June 8, 2023. Written comments submitted during this time are part of the public record, and were reviewed and considered in the development of the preferred alternative, and Final Plan and Final EIS. View the summary of public comment themes below:

Preferred Alternative Development

Plan Commission: Preferred Alternative Discussion #2 – July 12, 2023

City Council Study Session – July 6, 2023

Preferred Alternative Workshop (Virtual) – June 22, 2023

Plan Commission Workshop: Preferred Alternative Discussion – June 14, 2023

Draft Plan and DEIS Public Workshop – May 18, 2023

As a public workshop on May 18, 2023, Planning staff and project consultants shared about the project and community members were able to provide real time feedback on the draft plan and draft alternatives to shape the South Logan area. A PDF version of the presentation is available.

South Logan TOD – Draft Plan Public Workshop – May 18, 2023: An overview of the workshop presentation is available. Total length of time is 40 minutes, with specific bookmarks below:

The Draft Plan Public Workshop Summary is now available.

Preliminary Alternatives

Project staff and consultants hosted a Virtual Open House on Preliminary Alternatives on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023. The preliminary alternatives are part of the environmental review process to identify different possible outcomes for enhancing transit-oriented development in South Logan.

Final Housing and Anti-Displacement Memo

View the Final Housing and Anti-Displacement Memo to learn more about strategies to promote housing affordability and to mitigate displacement in the South Logan area.

Existing Conditions Report

The project consultants prepared the Existing Conditions Report in November 2022 to assess existing conditions of the South Logan study area and to conduct market analysis of development potential.

Community Survey

A community survey was opened for early input on the South Logan TOD Project from July to October 2022. This feedback is one part that will help guide the vision for the final subarea plan.

South Logan TOD Community Planning Studio

The South Logan TOD community planning studio occurred on September 20-22, 2022. It featured 3 days of intensive studio work and 2 community workshops.

Study Area

The study area is focused on areas up to ½ mile around three City Line Stations in the South Logan area of the Logan Neighborhood: McCarthey Athletic Center Station, Desmet Station, and Columbus Station. This area includes the Hamilton Street Corridor, Gonzaga University, the new UW and Gonzaga health sciences center, Mission Avenue Historic District, local businesses and organizations, Mission Park, Upriver Park, Centennial Trail, and the Spokane River. The study area will provide the basis for community discussions on transit-oriented development and supportive policies. Through the process with community input, a more defined project area will be identified for environmental review and analysis of alternatives for planned development.

Study Area Map

What is Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)?

Transit-Oriented Development, or TOD, is a model for planning development with a diversity of land uses – housing, shopping, and employment that are located along a network of pedestrian and bicycle-oriented streets within a half mile of high-performance transit lines. Key characteristics of TOD include active street frontages with daily-needs goods, services, and residential opportunities near transit stations. These characteristics encourage pedestrian activity and enhance neighborhood access to resources, supporting local economic growth and resiliency.

Transit also helps improve equity and affordability to deliver greater benefits to a diverse range of residents. Equitable Transit-Oriented Development, or ETOD, goes farther to help ensure people experience the benefits of transit, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, age, gender, or ability. When centered on social inclusion and community wealth building, ETOD can be a driver of positive transformation for more vibrant, prosperous, and resilient neighborhoods connected to opportunities throughout the city and region and can help prevent displacement of current residents in development. As the City of Spokane continues to focus on TOD, the City can further identify ETOD policies and guidance to represent a vision to equitably share the benefits of transit for all.


The South Logan TOD Project is the next phase of planning along the City Line, following the City’s Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Framework Study. The TOD Framework Study identifies strategies best suited to Spokane for supporting development along new High-Performance Transit lines.

For more information about The City Line, visit the STA’s City Line website.

The 2021 Washington Legislature appropriated $2.5 million for cities to facilitate transit-oriented development in areas high-capacity transit. The City of Spokane was once of 11 communities to be awarded $250,000 in grant funds from the Transit-Oriented Development and Implementation (TODI) grant program through the WA Dept. of Commerce.

Project Updates

Contact Information

City of Spokane
Department of Planning Services
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201

KayCee Downey, AICP
South Logan TOD Implementation
Planner II

Tyler Kimbrell, AICP
South Logan TOD Implementation
Planner II

Maren Murphy, AICP
South Logan TOD Plan and FEIS
Senior Planner

Tirrell Black, AICP
Principal Planner

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