Application/Permit Number: Z1400033PBSP
201 E. Lyons Ave. on parcel #36293.0068 The project sits between Lyons Avenue and Wedgewood Avenue, just east of Division Street. SW ¼ of SEC 29, T26N, R43EWM.
The application is for a Binding Site Plan to create 2 lots. The north lot is for the Sportsman's Warehouse, currently under construction, and the south lot is for future commercial uses. The main point of access is proposed via Division Street, additional access is shown onto Wedgewood and Lyons as well. SEPA was completed on this site in 1997. The City issued an MDNS on January 14, 2000.
Douglass Properties
Written comments are due August 4, 2014
Written comments should be sent via mail or email:
Planning & Development
Attn: Tami Palmquist, AICP
Associate Planner
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201-3329