Project Number: 2023110
Status: Design
This project focuses on improving pedestrian safety around Stevens Elementary School by adding new crosswalks, sidewalks, and upgraded signals. Key features include a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) at Mission & Magnolia and a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at Napa & Sinto, making walking routes safer for students.
The main activities within this project include:
Total Project Cost: $1,362,400 (includes design, construction, contingencies)
Safer crosswalks, sidewalks, and beacons will improve walkability for students and the broader community. ADA-compliant ramps and sidewalk infill ensure a more accessible, connected neighborhood.
All project activities will comply with SEPA and Executive Order 05-05. No significant environmental or cultural resource concerns are anticipated.
For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor’s public representative.
Contractor Public Representative
City Project Manager – Design Phase
Richard Proszek
City Project Manager – Construction Phase
Ryan Coles