Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Framework Study

Now complete, this study identifies strategies best suited to Spokane for supporting Transit-Oriented Development along new High-Performance Transit lines, such as STA's City Line now under construction.

To read the final report and recommendations, please see the Action Plan linked below.

Action Plan Appendices

What is Transit-Oriented Development?

Transit-oriented development, or TOD, is a model for planning development with a diversity of land uses—housing, shopping and employment—located along a network pedestrian and bicycle-oriented streets within a half mile of high-performance transit lines. Key characteristics of TOD include active street frontages with daily needs, goods, services and residential opportunities near transit stations. These characteristics encourage pedestrian activity at ground-floor commercial frontages and enhance neighborhood access to resources, supporting local economic growth and resiliency.

People, Places, Home: What is Transit Oriented Development?

Online Public Meeting

Study Purpose

This study will address the following questions:

  • Why is transit-oriented development and safe, direct walk and bike access to transit stations important along high–performance transit routes such as the City Line BRT?
  • Where are transit-oriented development and walk and bike improvements likely to occur?
  • What type of transit-oriented development and walk and bike improvements are being considered?
  • How might the City approach regulating areas to support and encourage transit-oriented development?

Why study TOD in Spokane?

Transit-oriented development meets market demands for mixed-use, walkable development in urban areas and is relevant to the future of land use and development along the City Line, a new premium transit line by the Spokane Transit Authority. Currently under construction, the six-mile Bus Rapid Transit line will run from Browne's Addition, through Downtown and the University District to the Logan and Chief Garry Neighborhoods, terminating at Spokane Community College.

Study Area


With permanent station infrastructure, including level-boarding and pre-board ticketing, the City Line estimated to host more than 1 million rides per year and increase land and improvement values by $175 million over 20 years. A 2017 strategic study of the City Line recommended new policies to encourage transit-supportive development and enhance walkability along the corridor.

This TOD Framework Study represents the next step in carrying out the recommendations of that study, revisiting those strategies and applying them conceptually to a portion of the City Line corridor, highlighted above.



Project Documents

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