Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Wellesley-Market Intersection Revisions (NSC)

Project Number: 2019108

Status: Construction

Construction Estimate: $4,131,657

Project Description: This project is necessary to lower the Wellesley/Market intersection to properly connect with WSDOT's North Spokane Corridor improvements. The project will widen Wellesley Ave. between Haven St. and Market St. from 4 to 5 lanes to increase intersection capacity in anticipation of future traffic conditions. Additionally, the existing 30" and 12" water mains in Wellesley Ave. and Market St. will be replaced and lowered.

Project Location(s) and Schedule

  • Wellesley Avenue from Haven Street to Market Street
  • Intersection of Haven Street and Broad Avenue

Project is scheduled to start in early spring and will take 3 to 5 months to complete. Crews will be in the area during the scheduled time frame. All schedules are approximate and dependent on weather and unforeseen delays. Schedule to be determined.

Work will be split into two phases: Phase 1: Wellesley Avenue and Market Street work and Phase 2: Haven Street and Broad Street intersection work. Work will include modifying the storm drainage system, improvements to water and storm systems as necessary, modifying the traffic signal system, installing an additional sanitary sewer manhole in Haven Street at Broad Avenue, and installing new curbs and sidewalks through the project area. For more detailed information, please review the Project Overview.

Water service will be maintained throughout construction. Limited service interruptions of a few hours will occur. Homeowners and businesses will receive advanced notice prior to any interruption.

In addition to the City’s work, Avista will be lowering a gas line on Wellesley between Haven and Market.

Construction will cause increased noise and dust. The contractor is required to control dust.

Contractors are required to provide two business day's notice to a homeowner/business if the homeowner/business owner's property will be directly impacted by the work. This includes access issues.

Construction Zone Details

Note: the contractor will do its best to minimize impacts on the public, but unforeseen circumstances may result in the need to temporarily revise traffic restrictions. For everyone's safety, please obey all traffic signs.

Expected Construction Start Date: March 2023

Expected Construction Completed Date: June 2023

Contract Award Date: May 20, 2022

Contractor: Corridor Contractors

City Project Manager - Construction Phase: Ryan Coles, 509.625.7722,

City Project Manager - Design Phase: Dan Buller, 509.625.6700,

Project Documents

Public Meeting Video Recordings

View February 16, 2022 Public Meeting Recordings

Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor's public representative:
To be determined

If the contractor's public representative cannot resolve your issue, please contact the City of Spokane - Engineering Services at 509.625.6700 or

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