Tree Permits

Do I Need a Tree Permit?

Tree permits relate to planting, pruning, or removal of trees. To determine whether you need a tree permit, you must first determine if your tree is on private or public property.

Private Property

If your tree is on your private property, you DO NOT need a tree permit.

Public Right-of-Way

If your existing or planned tree is in the public right-of-way, you may need a tree permit depending on the kind of work you will be doing on the tree. Since the width of the right-of-way varies from street to street, and sometimes from block to block, you should always check before working on trees anywhere near roads or alleys.


If you are unsure if your tree is in the right-of-way, please contact our office at 509.363.5495, or

My Tree Is in the Public Right-of-way

If you have determined that your tree is in the right-of-way, these are the ONLY two conditions in which a tree permit is NOT required.

  1. Planting with assistance from Urban Forestry
    • You may plant a tree in the right-of-way as long as you contact Urban Forestry for technical assistance beforehand. (homeowners planting at residential locations only)
  2. Minor Pruning*
    • You may engage in minor pruning if it meets these all three of these requirements.
      1. Branches being pruned do not exceed two inches in diameter
      2. Pruning does not exceed 15% canopy loss
      3. The tree is more than 10 feet from a power line

*Planting and pruning work must meet City Arboricultural Specifications and Standards and Standard Planting Diagram. Abutting property owners (themselves) may perform minor pruning of branches. If hiring someone, please follow steps below.
Any tree work within the right-of-way that does not meet above conditions DOES require a permit and you must follow the steps below.

How to Apply for a Public Tree Permit

Step one: Hire a Certified Arborist from our list.

Disclosure: This is a list of tree services which meet minimum qualifications for a City of Spokane Commercial Tree Service License. Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement from Urban Forestry, typical consumer due diligence is recommended.

Company Name Phone
A1 Tree Service* 509.623.0344
Affordable Arborist Tree Care Inc. 509.879.0577
All Seasons Tree Service 208.660.7461
Bartlett Tree Experts* 509.892.0110
Bluebird Tree Care Inc* 208.651.3959
Budget Arbor & Logging LLC 509.458.0838
C & C Yard Care Inc* 509.482.0303
Clearwater Summit Group Inc 509.482.2722
Delk Management LLC 509.563.2922
Double D Tree, LLC, Duane Dombrowski 509.869.4364
Grace Tree Service 208.762.5800
Greenleaf Landscaping Inc 509.536.2885
Heindl Tree Care Inc* 509.475.9135
Holistic Pruners 509.201.3424
IOL Tree Experts 509.217.1650
Land Expressions 509.466.6683
Northwest Landscape Contractors, LLC 509.413.2526
Plant Heath Care Services (PHCS)* 509.499.5308
River City Tree Works 509.723.6787
Sam's Tree & Landscape LLC 509.467.3801
Senske Services 509.891.6629
Skyline Tree Service LLC 509.496.9793
Spirit Pruners LLC* 509.979.3496
Spokane Tree Pro 509.998.2771
Tall Tree Service 509.747.8733
Trailhead Tree Service LLC 509.496.1838
Treescapes Inc. 509.922.8733

*Currently has a Tree Risk Assessor Qualification, ~as of January 2025

Step two: Your Certified Arborist fills out the online Public Tree Permit Application and submits it to the Spokane Urban Forestry Program.

Step three: Spokane Urban Forestry staff will review your application and inspect the tree site before approving or denying the Public Tree Permit Application. We will notify the applicant of the decision, typically within 2 working days. Do not begin any tree work until an approved permit has been issued.

Because it only takes a moment to improperly prune or remove a tree but a lifetime to grow the right tree in the right place, it is imperative to protect and preserve mature trees from unnecessary damage or removal.

Therefore all pruning, planting, and removals of public trees within the public rights-of-way (or any public tree located on City property) must be performed by an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist with a current Commercial Tree License (PDF 116 KB) and an approved Public Tree Permit. A street obstruction permit may also be required to perform the work and can be obtained through City of Spokane Engineering Services, 509.625.6700.

Different site conditions can dictate which tree species are most appropriate for different planting locations within the City. For guidance on species selection, please consult our Approved Street Tree List (PDF 6.8 MB).

Contact Information

5th Floor – City Hall
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: 509.363.5495
Fax: 509.325.6205

Items of Interest