Firefighter Hiring Process FAQs

Do I need to be EMT certified before I apply?

No, new recruits will complete their EMT certification during the Fire Academy.

What if I already have my EMT or Paramedic certification?

The Fire Academy is 16 weeks. After the academy, new firefighters will go on to get their EMT certification which is a 5-week process. If the firefighters already have a valid EMT, they will move on to their station rotation.

Can I do anything to prepare for the PST and CPAT?

Public Safety Testing offers study materials for the written test, available for purchase on their website. Visit their information center for additional information on the CPAT.

Are you currently hiring?

Please see the information listed in red on Firefighter Jobs page for our current hiring status.

How long is the academy?

The Fire Academy lasts 21 weeks, including the EMT portion.

How long is the hiring process?

The hiring process typically takes about 5 to 6 months from the interview stage to the start of the academy.

Are there different requirements for out-of-state candidates?

The requirements are the same for all candidates, regardless of residency.

If I live out of state, how often will I have to come to Spokane for the hiring process?

You will need to be present for your interview, physical exam, and drug test. If you are offered a conditional job offer, you will be moved forward to the physical exam and drug test. The Fire Department will work with the selected candidates to get these scheduled for a date and time that works for them.

Do I get paid while in the academy?

Yes, once you begin the Fire Academy, you will be a paid employee of the City of Spokane.

What do I wear for the public safety test and physical?

Professional attire is recommended for the written test, and athletic wear is appropriate for the physical portion.

How much notice will I be given before I enter the next academy class?

You will receive notice 1-2 months prior to the beginning of the academy.

If I don’t like my PST score, can I take the test again?

You may retake the test and submit new scores if you have not yet applied to the City of Spokane. Once you submit your application, you cannot provide new scores for one year. The City accepts applications once every 365 days.

How do I qualify for Veterans Preference?

To qualify, attach your DD-214 member 2 or 4 forms to your application on

What is the schedule for Firefighters?

After the Fire Academy, firefighters work one 24-hour shift, followed by 72 hours off.

Is the Public Safety Testing Fee ever waived?

Yes, sometimes the City of Spokane will waive the testing fees. If that happens, it will be posted on the Public Safety Testing website.

Can I become a firefighter with the City of Spokane if I’ve used cannabis?

If you have used cannabis within the last 365 days, you will not qualify for the position.

What is the tattoo policy for firefighters?

The Spokane Fire Department does not have a specific policy regarding tattoos.

I already have IFSAC Certifications, can I skip that part of the Academy?

No, all new recruits are required to complete the certification process during the City of Spokane Fire Academy, regardless of their previous certification status.