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Michele Anderson, Public Safety Communications Manager
Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 10:02 a.m.
On Saturday, June 16 at approximately 12:40 a.m. the Spokane Fire Department responded to the area of 18th Ave. and Lincoln St. on the lower South Hill on a report of a motor vehicle collision.
The first arriving engine discovered a badly damaged vehicle resting on its top against a house with a male passenger trapped, hanging upside down from his seatbelt. Crews immediately called for a full extrication response to ensure additional equipment and personnel responded to the scene.
Spokane Police had the road blocked off and a perimeter established upon arrival which greatly assisted Spokane Fire units gaining access to the vehicle. Firefighters worked in tandem to extricate the patient, take all necessary medical precautions, and transport the patient to the emergency room in less than 15 minutes of arriving on scene.
The Spokane Police Department is investigating the cause of the collision.