Five Mile Prairie

Chair: Aaron Reese,

Secretary: Raeleen Turner,

Meetings: Every other month during odd months (Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.) on the 4th Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Indian Trail Library (4909 W Barnes Rd, Spokane, WA 99208). See the Neighborhood Calendar for location and other details.

Community Assembly Representative: Aaron Reese

Community Assembly Alternate: Kathy Miotke,

Staff Liaison: Amber Groe,, 509.625.6156

Clean Up Coordinator: Aaron Reese,

City Council District: District 3

City Council Representatives: Zack Zappone,; Kitty Klitzke,

Code Enforcement Officer: Rebecca Nelson,, 509.625.6807

Sky Prairie Park Committee Chair: Maribeth Watt

Neighborhood Parks: Sky Prairie Park

Neighborhood Links:

Neighborhood Boundaries:

  • North: The northern boundary extends along the northern rim of the Five Mile Prairie and includes Cedar Rd north of its intersection at Johannsen Rd, all roads extending north off Johannsen Rd until its intersection at Five Mile Rd to the northern rim including Edna, Avis, Austin, Orchard, and Snyder and includes all roads west of Five Mile Rd north of its intersection at Johannsen and extending to the northwestern rim beginning at the intersection of Five Mile Rd and Berridae Rd including Berridae Rd, Connaught, Vel-View Dr, Dorset, and Hawthorne and continuing on North Five Mile Rd to Toni Rae.
  • East: The eastern boundary begins at the intersection of Cedar Rd and Country Homes Blvd and continues up Cedar Rd to the eastern rim of the Five Mile Prairie including Walnut Rd and Northview Rd and extending south along Panorama Dr to its intersection with Walnut Ct and extending north along Cedar Rd to Johannsen Rd, including all roads east of Cedar Rd extending to the eastern rim including Kensington, Tieton Ct, Maxine Ct, Bradbury Dr, and Dawn.
  • South: The southern boundary extends along the southern rim of the Five Mile Prairie and includes Five Mile Rd beginning north of the Cochran intersection to its intersection at Audubon and extending on Audubon to the Horizon intersection, continuing on Horizon to its intersection at Lincoln Rd and includes Austin Rd south to East Bluff Ct and its tangents, Rock Bluff Ct and Wedgewood Ln and extending along the southern rim on to its intersection at Five Mile Rd.
  • West: The western boundary extends along the western rim of the Five Mile Prairie and includes Strong Rd west of its intersection at Five Mile Rd and Dorset Rd as it extends north of Strong Rd and includes Lincoln Rd west of its intersection at Five Mile Rd to the western rim of the Five Mile Prairie.

View the Five Mile Prairie Neighborhood Map (PDF 431 KB).