2025 Program Update

Neighborhood Clean-up

The 2025 Neighborhood Clean-up Program will include neighborhood council-led clean-up events as well as disposal passes. For information about the clean-up events, contact your neighborhood's Clean-up Coordinator. Don’t know which neighborhood you live in? Find your neighborhood. The Disposal Pass Program is designed to help residents in the City of Spokane remove extra waste by distributing $30 passes, valid at the Waste to Energy Facility.

Starting March 3, 2025, City of Spokane residents will be able to request a disposal pass. Passes will be emailed to you and will be valid for 30 days. Disposal passes are available until program funding is expended.

Applying for a 2025 Disposal Pass

Residents with access to a computer or smartphone:

  • Create an account or login to your account at my.spokanecity.org/account via web browser.
  • Once you're logged in to your account, visit the Disposal Pass Request Form page to request your pass.
  • Complete the form with your information. Only City of Spokane residents can request a disposal pass (businesses, organizations, schools, etc. are not permitted to use this program). Address listed must be residential, no P.O. Box addresses will be accepted.
  • If your form was submitted without receiving an error message, the request went through. If you receive an error message it is either because you already have an active request within the past 30 days or your address is ineligible due to not being within city limits.
  • When your Disposal Pass request is successfully submitted, you will receive an email from cleanup@spokanecity.org with your disposal pass information.
  • Contact the City at 3-1-1 (or 509.755.2489 if calling outside the City) with questions.

Residents with no access to a computer or smartphone:

  • Disposal passes are available on the first floor of City Hall at the Spokane 3-1-1 Customer Service counter, Monday–Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., while passes remain available.

Important details about the Disposal Pass program

  • It is important that all disposal pass guidelines are reviewed before going to the Waste to Energy Facility. There are restrictions on what can be brought to the tipping floor and fees associated with unsecured loads. View the complete Waste Disposal Guide (contains what is allowed and what is not allowed).
  • Electronics (computers, monitors, TVs, DVD Players, e-readers) are not allowed. Please visit the Washington Recycles page to learn where your closest electronics recyclers are.
  • Disposal passes are only valid at the Waste to Energy Facility (2900 S. Geiger Blvd). Its hours are 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., 7 days a week (except for New Year’s, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas). All services (garbage, recycling, clean/green and household hazardous waste disposal) are available at all hours.
  • Disposal Passes cover up to $30 in tipping fees. Residents are responsible for any fees in excess of $30 disposal pass. Disposal passes have no cash value and cannot be carried over to additional vehicles/trips. The pass is surrendered at time of redemption. Payment of fees in excess of $30 is due at time of transaction (cash, debit/credit & check are accepted; fees cannot be added to utility bill)
  • Disposal passes are for residents in the City of Spokane limits only (businesses, organizations, and schools are not eligible).
  • Passes are only to be used by the City of Spokane resident that it was issued to or the identified alternate (name is input at time of request and included at the top of the disposal pass). Passes may not be transferred, sold, etc. Violating this policy may prevent the customer from utilizing the disposal pass program in the future.
  • Combined loads cannot be separated by type in regard to fees. If you bring a combination of yard waste/ recycling/ garbage in one vehicle load, it will all be charged as general garbage. 
  • Loads being delivered to disposal sites must be covered with a tarp or secured with a rope or other means to prevent spillage. If your load is not secured/covered, a fee will be charged.
  • Recycling (blue cart items) and Household Hazardous Waste (paint thinners, pesticides, oven cleaners, batteries, etc.) are accepted free of fees. They must be hauled separately from garbage and clean/green to receive free disposal.
  • Clothing items can be recycled free of charge at the Waste to Energy Recycling Center.  Look for the yellow drop box.
  • Please anticipate long lines at the Waste to Energy Facility and be patient with staff.

Neighborhood Beautification Program

  • Neighborhood councils who are interested in in hosting a volunteer clean-up event are encouraged to submit a Beautification Program Application. Applications allow neighborhood councils to reserve supplies such as trash grabbers, rolling garbage cans, brooms, dustpans, garbage bags, and safety vests. Applications should be submitted by recognized neighborhood councils at least three weeks in advance of the event and can be sent to Amber Groe at agroe@spokanecity.org.

Fees for Disposal

  • Recyclables Drop Off – FREE, please divide recyclables by type to make tipping process easier.
  • Household Hazardous Waste Disposal – FREE, there will be a location to place these at the facility.
  • 2025 Trash Disposal Rates – At the Waste to Energy Facility, a minimum charge of $23.19 (up to 320 lbs.) or $141.90 per ton at Waste to Energy Facility plus a $2.49 self-haul transaction fee per vehicle. (Check Spokane County’s website for cost information for the Spokane Valley and North County transfer stations.)
  • 2025 Self-hauled Clean Green/Yard Waste Debris Rates: At the Waste to Energy Facility, it is $71.56 per ton, with a minimum charge of $7.62 for up to 200 pounds, plus a $2.49 self-haul transaction fee per vehicle.

The disposal sites accept cash, check, debit cards, Visa, and MasterCard for payment. Please make sure you bring proper identification with you.

Program Information

The Neighborhood Clean-up Program works to make Spokane neighborhoods clean, safe, and healthy for all residents to live and thrive in. This program funds neighborhood clean-up and community-building opportunities as a partnership between the Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) and Department of Solid Waste Collection. The Neighborhood Clean-up Program supports the broader City of Spokane's actions to reduce property crime, beautify Spokane, and promote community resiliency.

Contact Information

Neighborhood Clean-up Program

Program Resources

Items of Interest