Spokane Neighborhood Summit

Let's talk neighborhoods! The Neighborhood Summit is designed for Spokane neighbors to gather around community-identified priorities, learn together, and grow practices in their neighborhood councils.Local leaders present topics relative to the needs of Spokane neighborhoods. The Summit is a free, annual event open to any current or aspiring member of a Spokane neighborhood council.

This year's Summit will take place on Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in Spokane, WA (location TBD).

Registration is currently closed. Please look on this page for registration materials in August 2024.

Present a Workshop

We are currently seeking presenters for Summit workshops. Workshops can be 45, 60, or 90 minutes in length and will take place between 9:25 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. on Saturday, November 2.

If you are interested in presenting a workshop, please review the Call for Presentations outline and submit a workshop proposal to spokaneneighborhoods@gmail.com by Thursday, August 8, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. Priority consideration will be given to proposals that address topics related to the following conference tracks:

  1. Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Communities (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts, working across generations, etc.)
  2. Technical Training and Assistance (Leveraging neighborhood websites, Social Media, Bylaw development, Communication best practices, etc.)
  3. Safe and Beautiful Neighborhoods (Safety efforts, Clean-up, Empowering neighborhood watch, Safe transportation and traffic models, etc.)
  4. Community and Civic Engagement (Advocacy, Engaging with City Council and City departments, Partnering with local organizations, Writing effective resolutions, etc.)
  5. Empowered Neighbors and Neighborhoods (Activation of neighborhoods, Leadership development, Succession and empowerment, etc.)

Contact Information

Amber Groe

Related Links

Looking for other trainings and resources? Visit the pages below.