Let's talk neighborhoods!
The Neighborhood Summit is designed for Spokane neighbors to gather around community-identified priorities, learn together, and grow practices in their neighborhood councils.
Local leaders present topics relative to the needs of Spokane neighborhoods. The Summit is a free, annual event open to any current or aspiring member of a Spokane neighborhood council.
Registration is not currently available. When registration is live, it will be available on this webpage.
Alex Gibilisco (Manager of Equity and Inclusion, City Council) and Tyler Tamoush (Minnehaha Neighborhood)
E.J. Iannelli (Emerson Garfield Neighborhood) and Danielle DeJaegher (Emerson Garfield Neighborhood)
Pia Hallenberg (Riverside Neighborhood)
Justyce Brant (Restoration Coordinator at The Lands Council)
Tina Luerssen (Grandview-Thorpe Neighborhood)
Ryan Oelrich (West Hills Neighborhood and Priority Spokane Executive Director), Arielle Anderson (City of Spokane, Community Housing and Human Services Director), Gary Schmidt (SNAP, Homeless outreach Lead), Nicolette Ocheltree (City Council, Manager of Housing and Homelessness Initiatives), Eric Robison (City of Spokane Valley, Housing & Homeless Coordinator), Drew Peterson (Knox Presbyterian, Pastor), and Joshua Pratt (Spokane County Sheriff's Office, Detective)
Donna deBit (City of Spokane, Senior Planner)
Emily Gwinn (West Central Neighborhood), Amanda Maule (West Central Neighborhood), and Victoria Eby-Bounds (West Central Neighborhood)
Amber Groe
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