Quarterly reviews shifting to emphasize outcomes
Brian Coddington, Communications Director, 509.625.6740
Monday, February 24, 2014 at 1:14 p.m.
A quarterly review of the City's key performance indicators shows improvement in outcomes in several priority areas, including public safety, customer service delivery, connection to resources and resource management.
Notably, violent crime was down 8.5 percent for the year. Residential burglary also declined last year. Fire and emergency medical response times also continued to exceed performance standards citywide, as did overall satisfaction with the City's customer service resources.
“We are driving every day toward better service delivery and improved outcomes,” said Mayor David Condon. “We made great strides last year and are well-prepared to continue the important work we've aligned to citizen priorities.”
Performance measures are reviewed and published quarterly. Evaluations are increasingly emphasizing outcomes over strictly operational measures.
A look at the data shows the City is:
Driving down crime
Improving customer service
Quickly getting help to people who need it
Connecting people to services that make a difference
Proactively maintaining the city's assets
Even with the progress, there is still work to be done, Condon pointed out.
Permitting times are one such example. Short-route permit times have fallen to an average of 14 days (goal of 10 days) and full-route times have dropped to an average of 37 days (goal of 30 days), even as volumes rose significantly. Projects totaling $538 million, including nearly $300 million in private projects, were permitted last year.