Project calls for safety, pedestrian improvements
Julie Happy, 509.625.7773
Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 9:21 a.m.
The City of Spokane plans to use a combination of federal and state grant dollars to revitalize the North Monroe Street corridor running through the Emerson-Garfield neighborhood.
The aim of the project is to make the area safer and more pedestrian-friendly, as well as improve visibility for businesses along Monroe. Plans include widening sidewalks throughout the length of the corridor, installing pedestrian lighting, placing pedestrian refuge islands at regular intervals, and re-striping the roadway in a three-lane configuration with one vehicle lane in each direction and a center turn lane. The reduction of North Monroe from five to three lanes will take place from approximately Indiana to Kiernan avenues.
A $3.7 federal grant for the project was awarded through the City Safety Program administered by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The City also applied for funding through WSDOT’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program, bringing the total project award to $4.1 million.
Construction on North Monroe could begin as early as 2017.