Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

City of Spokane Council District 2 - vacancy announcement

Ben Stuckart, City Council President, 509.710.9611

Monday, December 21, 2015 at 4:07 p.m.

Spokane City Councilman Jon Snyder has announced that he will resign from the Spokane City Council, effective January 12, 2016. Section 8 of the City Charter and Section 10 of the Council Rules and Procedures outline the process that will be used to fill the resulting vacancy. Specifically, the Council will follow the following tentative timeline:

  • Councilman Snyder’s resignation effective January 12, 2016
  • Announcement of Council vacancy and application period opens: January 12, 2016. Applications will be available on the City’s website, the City Council Offices and MySpokane service desk on the 1st floor of City Hall
  • Application period will close January 19, 2016 at 5 p.m.
  • Councilmembers will review all applications, interview those applicants they wish, and rank their top 5 applicants. Each Councilmember will then submit his or her top 5 names to the Council President no later than 5 p.m. on January 27, 2016.
  • A committee of three Councilmembers (to be determined by Council motion) will review and compile the Councilmembers’ rankings and determine which applicants will be interviewed by full Council.  Selection of applicants for interviews by the full Council will be completed by no later than January 29, 2016.
  • The full Council will interview the top candidates.  Interviews will be open to the public, conducted during a properly noticed Council meeting and will take place on February 3, 2016.
  • Full Council, in open session, will vote to fill the Council vacancy on February 8, 2016.

Applicants must have lived in the City Council District 2 since February 8th, 2015.

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