Mayor, Council President to make final selection
Brian Coddington, Communications Director, 509.625.6740
Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 2:21 p.m.
A joint committee that is coordinating an independent inquiry into recent personnel matters has forwarded the names of three potential investigators to Mayor David Condon and Council President Ben Stuckart for consideration.
The joint committee of Councilmember Karen Stratton, City Council attorney Brian McClatchey, private attorney Laura McAloon and City Utility Director Rick Romero recommended that the investigator be chosen from among the following individuals:
Condon and Stuckart will use information gathered from the conversations to select an evaluator to conduct an independent inquiry into the process, policy, and timelines associated with recent Spokane Police Division personnel movement and release of public records. The inquiry will also include an evaluation of the processes for all employee complaints and investigations.
Committee members interviewed six candidates, which included three recommended by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and three added by the committee. A candidate could be approved by the City Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting on Jan. 4.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office recommended the names of four individuals to the joint committee, one of whom withdrew from consideration due to a conflict of interest. Committee members added three additional candidates.
The joint committee is also working to finalize the scope of the work, which will focus on the process, policy, and timelines as requested in the City Council letter on Nov. 30. Complaints filed with the citizen Ethics Commission will be handled through the normal process.
Any further communication will come from the joint committee.