Marlene Feist, 509.625.6505
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 9:56 a.m.
The Downtown Parking Study is complete! The study conducted by Nelson Nygaard identified current parking conditions and gave us a list of downtown parking recommendations. Questions explored include: How many parking spaces are in the downtown area? How the spaces are priced and regulated? How many people park downtown and when? Does the parking supply meet the demand across downtown? Findings and recommendations can be found here.
The 2019 Downtown Parking Study Plan gives us a six-year plan and set of recommendations designed to facilitate growth and activity downtown, while making parking more convenient and user-friendly for residents, businesses, employees, and visitors.
The study found Spokane has just over 5,000 parking spaces that are on-street downtown. There are an additional 31,000 plus off-street spots in private lots and garages around the city. So together, Spokane has a total of more than 37,000 downtown parking spots.
“Parking meters and kiosks exist to regulate the turnover rate of vehicles, increasing the odds of finding a parking spot near your destination, and reduce the number of people circling for spots,” said Kris Becker, the City’s Director of Parking Services.
As part of the study, there were some recommended priorities. Those include: