Garbage and curbside recycling pickup will be a day late starting Wednesday, with Friday's pickup occurring on Saturday due to the Christmas holiday. Please have your carts out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day. See more information regarding other City closures.

Mayor Honors Non-Profit Community Partners

Michele Anderson, 509.625.5868

Friday, June 7, 2019 at 3:47 p.m.

On Monday, Mayor David Condon will honor two community partners, The Guardians Foundation and The Salvation Army, during a Give Real Change presentation. The two non-profits provided critical assistance with the warming center program.

Give Real Change continues to be a City-supported campaign for donating to services versus to individuals. Funds collected go toward the 24/7 shelter model system providing housing for those experiencing homelessness.

“The Give Real Change program is a way to give dignity to vulnerable populations by giving to services that help provide a path out of homelessness,” said Kelly Keenan, Community Housing and Health Services Director.

WHEN: Monday, June 10

WHERE: First Presbyterian Church of Spokane, 318 S. Cedar St.

TIME: 10:30 a.m.

A video story on the program can be viewed and downloaded at It was produced by the City’s Jeff Humphrey and CityCable 5.