Clear Away Stagnant Water in Unused Buildings
Marlene Feist, Public Works, (509) 625-6505
Friday, May 22, 2020 at 10:09 a.m.
Businesses located in buildings that have been mostly vacant for several weeks should add one more task to their to-do lists—flushing the water pipes and moving out old, stagnant water.
The City of Spokane Water Department is asking businesses to flush their internal plumbing systems to ensure a fresh water supply, prior to reopening under the Safe Start Washington plan. Unused water that has been sitting in pipes for extended periods may appear cloudy or have an unpleasant taste or odor. Depending on the building and its plumbing, health risks like bacteria or other hazards also can occur.
“We are all focused on caring for our health during this time,” says Dan Kegley, the City’s Water Director. “This is one more step to make sure our businesses are ready to welcome their employees and the public back into their buildings.”
Flushing is easy; just follow these steps or watch our video.
If you’ve flushed the water in your building and still have concerns about water quality, call the City’s Water Department at (509) 625-7800 with any questions.