City Launches Full-City Plow Jan. 6

Kirstin Davis - (509) 625-7773

Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 11:29 a.m.

The City of Spokane will launch a Full-City Plow today. City crews will work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until they plow all streets within the City. Additional crews from water and wastewater will be part of full-City plowing efforts. Under the City’s snow response plan, a full-City plow reaching all 2,200 miles of streets should take about three days to complete.

Crews are proceeding with plowing in the arterials now, and teams will be deployed to residential areas this evening about 6 p.m. starting in hill areas. The order for plowing residential routes are posted on the City’s web site; this page also includes the City’s plow map, which will be updated with the progress of the plows. The City’s residential plow route map shows the routes.

Plow teams in residential areas will use snow gates to avoid leaving berms at the end of driveways as much as possible. The City has 17 pieces of equipment outfitted with those gates. Crews will work to plow snow away from the curb to help keep snow away from sidewalks. Snow also may be pushed to center medians in some cases. Plowing in the downtown has not yet been scheduled.

When driving in these wintry conditions, the City is asking motorists to slow down, be patient, and drive according to the conditions. Don't follow plows closely, and please do not try to pass plow trucks; it is very dangerous.

Here’s how the community can help:

  • Vehicles should be parked on the odd side of the street in residential areas to assist plows. Berms are likely in front of cars, even those parked on the odd side of the street. The parking restrictions are intended to allow plow drivers to do a better job of clearing snow in neighborhoods and to complete their work more efficiently.
  • The City asks residents and businesses to clear a 36-inch pedestrian path on sidewalks. Please assist your neighbors who may need help removing snow from their driveways and sidewalks.  Seniors or disabled individuals can call 3-1-1 to connect with resources for shoveling sidewalks.
  • Don’t blow or shovel snow into the street, but back into your yard.
  • Clear snow off parked cars to allow plow drivers to see them better.
  • Consider clearing snow and ice around mailboxes and storm drains.