2:30 p.m. - Spokane downtown crime drop as the City has worked closely over the past year and a half with social service and other community partners.
8 a.m. - The Mayor's Urban Design Awards recognize the people and projects that significantly improve the quality of Spokane's shared public spaces.
9 a.m. - Join the Friends of Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens on Sep. 26 for its "Help Put the Gardens to Bed" fundraiser and year-end stroll through the gardens.
1:15 p.m. - Watch 4:24 - SFD is now dispatching sport utility vehicles, known as Alternative Response Units (ARUs), staffed by a single firefighter, to less severe incidents.
8:30 a.m. - Watch 19:04 - The City is seeking citizen input to the budget, working to improve quality of life downtown, and identifying operational efficiencies.