Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
David Condon

State of the City

David Condon, Mayor, No Phone Number Available

Friday, February 12, 2016 at 12:28 p.m.

Over the past four years, our City employees have done amazing things. The City has become safer through innovative solutions, smarter as we have become more accountable to the community, and stronger through better alignment to your priorities.

That progress has not been without some learning.

For as far as we have come in the areas of collaboration, communication, and community, we can still be better. As we look back – as I look back over my first four years as Mayor – the City has been at its best when we have worked together to drive Spokane forward.

Numerous examples come to mind: the ongoing effort to re-engineer the Spokane Police Division; the strides made evolving fire and emergency medical services delivery; opening the Domestic Violence Family Justice Center to combine advocacy, investigation, and prosecutorial resources in a single, victim-friendly location; the levy delivering $500 million in street improvements over 20 years; the bond that is making the most significant investment in Riverfront Park in more than four decades.

Each of these has one very important commonality. Teamwork and collaboration made them examples of progress and successes.

An economic investment program established last year in partnership with the City Council has us ready to promote job growth and economic development in ways we never have before. Public safety, including further cutting a crime rate that is down 19 percent since 2012 and fire and emergency medical services innovations, are still top priorities.

Our attention will also be on delivering the most significant investments in the history of Spokane. Improving Spokane's streets, redeveloping Riverfront Park and completing work that is getting us to a cleaner river faster are major priorities for Spokane over the next four years and beyond.

Like the recent accomplishments, collaboration, communication and community will get us to a safer, smarter and stronger Spokane.

The State of the City

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