Blog Posts for Week of Sunday, October 8, 2017

Oct. 13

Making a Lasting Impression

3:41 p.m. - Watch 11:51 - The Lincoln Street Gateway gets a facelift!

Oct. 12

Police Show Support for DV Victims

10 a.m. - Watch 1:24 - Spokane Police Officers are wearing purple wristbands during October to End the Silence of Domestic Violence.

Oct. 10

Give Real Change, Donate to Service

4:01 p.m. - The Spokane community has donated over $200 to the Give Real Change campaign!

One Vision. One Plan.

11:19 a.m. - Strategic plan focuses in four key initiative areas aligned to the comprehensive and neighborhood plans

Oct. 9

Announcing the Spokane Mayor's Urban Design Awards Ceremony

10:41 a.m. - Watch 1:35 - The Mayor's Urban Design Awards Ceremony will be open to the public and we encourage all citizens who are interested in good urban design to attend.