Solid Waste collection is on its normal schedule on Monday, Veterans Day, and throughout the week. Reminder: Carts need to be at the curb by 6 a.m. on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Blog Posts for May 2018

May 31

Reintroducing the Give Real Change and Hope Works Programs

2:41 p.m. - Give Real Change by donating to programs addressing homelessness.

May 30

Mounted Horse Patrol Rides Again

2:05 p.m. - Watch 2:36 - C.O.P.S. reining in crime with help from horses.

May 24

Spokane Gives Has Record Breaking Year

3:51 p.m. - In April, Spokane Gives volunteers reported over 123,000 hours of service!

Saving the Historic Arches

12:22 p.m. - Post Street Bridge replacement is being designed to save the historic concrete arches.

May 22

Save with SpokaneScape

10:53 a.m. - Replace grass with SpokaneScape landscaping and get a credit on your City utility bill

May 18

Firefighters Reach for Checklists

10:24 a.m. - Watch 2:19 - Clinical guides could help save lives.

May 15

Smoothing Out the Ride

3:51 p.m. - New program designed to lessen the impacts of garbage trucks on unpaved streets and alleys.

May 12

Carrousel Rides Back into Our Hearts

1 p.m. - Watch 3:56 - New rotunda showcases Carrousel’s beauty

May 11

Join Us At Connect Downtown

3:51 p.m. - Join us May 21st from 3 – 6 p.m. at the south entrance of Riverfront Park (near the Rotary Fountain) to discuss downtown Spokane’s future at Connect D

May 10

Use Caution Around the Spokane River

4:29 p.m. - Very cold, fast moving water can be dangerous.

Prostitution Sting Drives Down Demand

Midnight - Watch 3:09 - Spokane police arrested 14 men and towed their vehicles during a recent sting operation designed to disrupt human trafficking.

May 8

2018 Parking Study Survey

2:11 p.m. - Take the new parking survey and you could win a gift card to Atticus Coffee & Gifts!

May 4

New Lease on Life for Vacant Lots

10:08 a.m. - Watch 2:21 - City wants more options for infill development

May 2

Development Code Open Houses

4:24 p.m. - City updating lot width, wall height, attached housing and parking setback requirements.