Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Blog Posts for June 2018

June 27

Being Good Neighbors

9:27 a.m. - City to consolidate entrances to a buffer zone adjacent to the closed South Side Landfill.

June 25

Dig Disrupts Liberty Park Sprinklers

3:22 p.m. - Watch 1:49 - Crews working turf rehab plan.

June 21

Housing Quality Definitions & Standards

4:20 p.m. - Update on Housing Quality Definition and the Property Maintenance Code

June 20

4th of July Celebration at Riverfront Offers Food, Fun, and Fireworks

4:45 p.m. - You’re invited to attend the region’s premier 4th of July celebration. Here’s what you can look forward to.

RFQ for Community Land Trust

3:29 p.m. - The city is soliciting proposals from agencies interested in developing and managing a Community Land Trust.

Downtown Central

2:58 p.m. - Join the Downtown Plan update conversation and show the City of Spokane what you would like to see downtown.

June 14

Make a Difference in Your Community

2:01 p.m. - Apply to join the Spokane Park Board, Bicycle Advisory Board or Ombudsman Commission today!

June 13

City Seeking Cultural Fund Grant Applications

4:11 p.m. - The City will be awarding grant funding for programs and events that honor and celebrate Spokane’s diversity!

June 11

BECU Outdoor Movies Return to Riverfront for 2018 Season

3:59 p.m. - Popular classics and recent blockbusters are playing in Riverfront’s Lilac Bowl this summer

June 7

Journey from Homelessness to City Employee

5:04 p.m. - Watch 3:16 - City job proves answer for one homeless man

Submit Your Code & Parking Complaints Online

4:42 p.m. - Citizens can now report Code and Parking Enforcement complaints online.

June 1

Downtown Central a Downtown Plan

4:01 p.m. - Help the City of Spokane update the Downtown Plan!