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Reminder: Winter once-per-month green carts collection and Christmas Tree pickup is this week, January 6th – 10th, on your regularly scheduled pickup day. This is the final week for Christmas Tree pickup. Please have your carts and tree out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day.
Jesten Ray Loading...

Downtown Parking Study Plan

Jesten Ray, Community Programs Coordinator, 509.625.6819

Monday, March 4, 2019 at 3:15 p.m.

Downtown Parking Study Plan Loading...

Parking is something that nearly everyone does on a daily basis, but you probably don’t give it much thought. Where you park has to do with availability, how much time you have, how much you’re willing to pay and a lot of other factors.

Here in Spokane, we just finished a Downtown Parking Study and have a six-year plan and set of recommendations designed to facilitate growth and activity downtown, while making parking more convenient and user-friendly for residents, businesses, employees, and visitors. Findings and recommendations can be found here.

The Study found Spokane has just over 5,000 parking spaces that are on-street downtown. There are another 31,000 plus off-street spots in private lots and garages around the city. So together, Spokane has a total of over 37,000 downtown parking spots.

2019 Downtown Parking Study Plan documents:

As part of the Study, there were some recommended priorities. Those included:

  • Adopting downtown parking goals and objectives to guide our efforts.
  • Maximize the use of our current parking supply.
  • Update our permit programs and event management policies.
  • Invest in our parking system to modernize it.
  • Make parking simple to find and payment easy.
  • Update City policy and zoning code to support long term growth and multimodal travel downtown thus reducing parking demand over time.

As the City of Spokane grows in the next twenty years parking is going to change, and the City plans on being ready. When we move forward and make changes, we will be asking for input and feedback from you.

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