Garbage and curbside recycling pickup will be a day late starting Wednesday, with Friday’s pickup occurring on Saturday due to the New Year’s Day holiday. Christmas Tree pickup will also start this week. Please have your carts and trees out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day. Green carts will be collected next week from January 6th – 10th on your regularly scheduled pickup day. See more information regarding other City closures.
Marlene Feist

North Monroe Corridor = Project of the Year

Marlene Feist, Public Works Director of Strategic Development, 509.625.6505

Friday, May 31, 2019 at 9:39 a.m.

North Monroe Corridor = Project of the Year

A year ago, North Monroe Street was in the midst of a major construction project. From just north of Indiana Avenue to Kiernan Avenue, heavy equipment, removed pavement, and large orange construction signs dominated the landscape.

The work was part of a major rehabilitation of this popular north-south arterial, designed to improve safety, enhance business health, encourage neighborhood vitality, and continue to accommodate vehicle traffic needs.

By September, the street had reopened to vehicle traffic, and since then, the area and its business corridor has boasted a renewed vibrancy.

Today, the project was recognized with the highest award of the Washington Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA)—Project of the Year.

Kirk Holmes, past president the APWA Chapter, was in Spokane to present City of Spokane staff, Spokane Transit Authority staff, and representatives from the project’s two primary contractors—Red Diamond Construction and Murphy Bros.—with plaques, telling the group that the decision to honor the project was unanimous.

A pilot program to assist businesses through disruptive construction was a major part of the award-wining project. That work included a façade improvement program, business coaching, a loan program, and a marketing campaign designed to encourage the public to continue to visit businesses on the corridor.

That marketing campaign, “Meet on Monroe,” was created and implemented by Rogue Heart Media, and it too is award winning. The campaign won the prestigious Dussault Community Impact Award from the Spokane Regional MarCom Association earlier this spring.

As part of the joint Mayor-City Council Strategic Plan, One Spokane, the City’s elected leaders have challenged City staff to focus on “innovative infrastructure” projects that deliver multiple benefits to citizens. The North Monroe Corridor revitalization seems to fit that winning spirit.

Monroe Rebuild Award Plaque

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