Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Section 57: Municipal Elections

At all municipal elections—general, special, and primary—the manner of electing officers and of submitting questions or propositions to the qualified electors, conducting and voting at elections, opening and closing of polls, keeping the poll lists, duties of election officers, canvassing the votes, declaring the results and certifying the returns, shall be in accordance with state law.

Effective Date: November 19, 1980
Ordinance C25656 Section 1

Section 58: Elections – When Held

The manner and method of holding and calling all municipal elections, both general and special, shall be according to state law. All municipal elections shall be non-partisan and by the qualified electors of the City.

Effective Date: November 1999
Ordinance C32336 Section 4

Section 59: Council Districting

Repealed – Effective February 23, 2024
ORD C36480 Section 1

Section 60: Council Redistricting

Repealed – Effective February 23, 2024
ORD C36480 Section 1

Section 61: Fees

At the time of filing a declaration of candidacy, the candidate shall pay all fees in the amount and manner as provided by state law.

Effective Date: March 25, 2009
Ordinance C34385 Section 35

Section 62: Citizen Led Council Redistricting

A decennial districting commission comprised of seven commissioners shall be appointed no later than May 1 in the year of county, state and federal redistricting to accomplish city council redistricting.

  1. Membership Appointments

    The Office of the City Clerk, behalf of the City, shall solicit candidates for the districting commission. The City Clerk, in consultation with the City Attorney, shall confirm that interested candidates are qualified for membership on the districting commission as described in Section B and not otherwise prohibited from serving as members under Section C.

    The City Clerk shall publish a list of all applicants for the districting commission and deliver a list of qualified candidates to the Mayor and City Council, including in the list are the City Council districts in which each candidate lives and information confirming qualification for membership.

    1. From the pool of qualified candidates, the Mayor shall select and appoint three (3) commissioners, one from each City Council district. These appointments shall not be subject to City Council approval.
    2. From the pool of qualified candidates, the City Council, by majority vote, shall select and appoint three (3) commissioners, one from each City Council district. These appointments shall not be subject to Mayoral veto.
    3. No later than 30 days following the final appointment to the districting commission, the six (6) appointed members shall select by affirmative majority plus one vote, a seventh non-voting member from the remaining pool of qualified applicants, who will act as chairperson and preside over meetings of the districting commission.
    4. A vacancy on the districting commission shall be filled by the authority who made the initial appointment, or their successor, from the pool of qualified applicants within fifteen days after the vacancy occurs.
  2. Membership Qualifications
    1. Candidates must be a current resident of the City of Spokane and have maintained that primary residence for a minimum of two consecutive years.
    2. Candidates must be registered to vote.
    3. To the extent practicable and in compliance with all applicable laws, the City Council and Mayor of Spokane, each acting with full autonomy as separate appointing authorities, will endeavor to constitute a Redistricting Commission that reflects the Spokane community’s broad demographic and geographic diversity, including but not limited to differing cultural, racial, ethnic, gender, political, and experiential backgrounds.
  3. Membership Prohibitions
    1. Candidates cannot have been a registered lobbyist in the State of Washington within two years prior to selection or one year following the end of membership on the commission.
    2. Candidates cannot hold or be within two years removed of holding any elective office other than Precinct Committee Officer.
    3. Within one (1) year of the last general election, and while a member of the districting commission, candidates cannot campaign for any elective office other than Precinct Committee Officer, or actively participate in, contribute to, or fundraise for any political campaign of any candidate for local, state, or federal office.
    4. Candidates may not seek election or appointment to a City Council position for two years after the effective date of the districting plan.
  4. Redistricting consistent with Washington State Law
    1. The districting plan shall be consistent with RCW 29A.92.050(3) and RCW 29A.76.010(4), as they may be amended from time to time, pertaining to the criteria for districting city council district boundaries. To the extent permitted by law, boundaries of neighborhoods and communities with common interests shall be prioritized, and their division minimized.
    2. The districting commission shall utilize the most recent available census information and guidelines for districting as established in RCW 44.05.090, as applicable.
  5. Redistricting Procedures
    1. The districting commission shall convene a minimum of five public hearings throughout the City, including at least one meeting within each existing Council District to receive written and oral comments and to accept proposed districting plans from the public. The districting commission shall only consider those plans which are submitted by individual city residents.
    2. The meetings and materials of the districting commission shall be transparent and publicly accessible including online video streaming and archiving for the broadest possible public access. The commission shall prepare and publicize its minutes within 21 days of any meeting.
    3. The City Council shall by ordinance appropriate such funds as may be reasonably needed for the districting commission to conduct their business under this Article. The commission may employ within its budget authority any necessary experts, consultants, and attorneys not employed by the City to carry out its duties as established in this Charter.
    4. No later than August 1, the districting commission shall select five preliminary districting plans for a final public review and comment. The Commission shall allow a period of at least 30 days for public review and comment of preliminary districting plans.
  6. Final Plan Adoption
    1. No later than October 1st, the districting commission shall adopt by affirmative majority plus one vote a final districting plan from the five districting plans selected for public review and comment, which will be transferred to the City Council along with a published report that will minimally include, (a) population for every district;(b) an explanation of the criteria used in developing the plan with (1) a justification for any deviation in a district from the average district population or (2) a justification for any fracturing of an existing neighborhood council boundary between multiple council districts; (c) a map of all the districts.
    2. In the event the districting commission is unable to agree on adoption of a districting plan by October 1, the matter shall be referred to the Presiding Judge of the Spokane Municipal Court, who shall determine which of the plans developed by the districting commission best complies with redistricting criteria set forth in Section 62.D of this charter, and shall forward that determination to the City Council no later than October 31.
    3. Upon receipt of the Commission of its proposed redistricting plan, or upon receipt of the determination by the Presiding Judge of the Spokane Municipal Court, the City Council shall consider whether to adopt the proposed districting plan. Any approval of the proposed districting plan must be approved by four affirmative votes of the City Council. The City Council may not revise the proposed districting plan or adopt any plan not previously prepared by the Commission.
    4. Upon adoption by the city council, the proposed districting plan shall be submitted to the clerk of the city council who shall forward the district plan to the Spokane County Auditor. The districting plan shall become effective upon filing and the districting commission shall be relieved of any further duties and disbanded.
    5. If the districting commission's proposed plan is not approved by a four affirmative votes from the City Council, the proposed districting plan shall be remanded back to the districting commission to consider changes as expeditiously as possible.
    6. A final plan must be adopted by the City Council by November 15 in the year of county, state and federal redistricting to accomplish city council redistricting or as otherwise provided for by state law.
    7. In the event that no plan is adopted by the City Council by the date established in this charter, the plan recommended by the districting commission shall be deemed the plan adopted by the governing body of the City. In the event both the districting commission and the City Council fail to agree on a plan, then the plan recommended by the Presiding Judge of the Municipal Court under Section F.2 above shall be deemed the plan adopted by the governing body of the City.
  7. Modified Districting
    1. A modified council districting plan may be established only within the fifth year of the decennial districting cycle. Should the City Council determine by five affirmative votes that consideration of a modified districting plan is warranted, including for population adjustment, a districting commission shall be established pursuant to the provisions of this charter section. The districting commission shall follow the same process for a modified redistricting plan as it would follow for the decennial redistricting plan.
    2. The City shall also establish a districting commission within the fifth year of decennial districting cycle upon submission of a valid citizens petition that conforms to all requirements of the SMC and is signed by registered and qualified electors of the City equal to ten percent (10%) of the number of votes cast at the last preceding general municipal election.
    3. Land that is annexed to the City subsequent to modifications of district boundaries pursuant to a district plan shall be assigned to the city council district that is most contiguous with the annexed land. At its discretion, the city council may take legislative action to assign annexed land to a district in the event the annexed land is contiguous to more than one council district.
  8. Oath of Office

    Before serving on the commission every person shall take and subscribe an oath to faithfully perform the duties of that office.

  9. Challenges to plan

    After the plan has been adopted by the City, any registered voter residing with the City of Spokane may file a petition with Superior Court challenging the plan. After a modification to the redistricting plan has been adopted by the city council, any registered voter may file a petition with Superior Court challenging the amended plan. The petition to Superior Court shall comply with the requirements of RCW 29A.76.010 (6) regarding judicial review of redistricting plans, as it may be amended from time to time.

Effective Date: February 23, 2024
Ordinance C36480 Section 3

Section 67: Recall

The holder of any elective office, whether elected or appointed thereto, may be removed by recall in the manner prescribed by state law.

Effective Date: November 2000
Ordinance C32687 Section 7