Solid Waste collection is on its normal schedule on Monday's Indigenous Peoples Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 a.m. on your regular collection day. More information.

CSO 41 Outfall Pipe Replacement

Project Number: 2021075

Construction Estimate: $250,000

Project Location: Near Upriver Drive and Rebecca Street

Description: Replacement of outfall pipe. This project is funded with local funds.

Status: Complete

Contractor: National Native American Construction, Inc.

Project Manager - Design: Jonathan Adams, 509.625.6700,

Project Manager - Construction: Mark Melnick, 509.625.7722,

Construction Start Date: 09/30/2021

Substantially Completed Date: 11/30/2021

Award Date: 07/01/2021

Contact Information

City of Spokane - Engineering Services