Project Number: 2020079
Status: Construction
This project replaces a damaged 10-inch sewer line near the intersection of Desmet Avenue and Superior Street. The existing pipe has deteriorated due to settlement and hydrogen sulfide damage, requiring full replacement. Work involves crossing the BNSF railroad and the Centennial Trail to connect to an existing siphon vault.
Desmet Avenue and Superior Street
The main activities within this project include:
Replacing the deteriorated sewer infrastructure will improve reliability and reduce maintenance needs. Temporary trail detours and closures will be minimized to lessen impacts on Centennial Trail users and local traffic.
All work will comply with relevant environmental regulations, including a Stormwater General Permit and Shoreline Permit. Proximity to streams and sensitive areas will be addressed with protective measures.
For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor’s public representative.
Contractor Public Representative
City Project Manager - Design Phase
Kristy Warren
City Project Manager - Construction Phase
Kelly Heitstuman