Reminder: Winter once-per-month green carts collection and Christmas Tree pickup is this week, January 6th – 10th, on your regularly scheduled pickup day. This is the final week for Christmas Tree pickup. Please have your carts and tree out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day.

Illinois Avenue Bikeway Design Options – Cincinnati St. to Market St.

With Illinois Avenue scheduled for resurfacing from Perry Street to Market Street over the next several years, improving the safety of infrastructure for walking and bicycling has been identified as a priority for the corridor.

This project will identify a preferred design for pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Illinois Ave. based on public input and street context. At this time, several different designs options have been developed.

Public Meeting #2 – Recording

Example Design Option - Perry

Example Design Option, Illinois Ave at Perry Street

Project Area

Design Options

Several concepts have been developed for the installation of protected bicycle facilities on Illinois Ave.

Each design option consists of several cross-sections along the length of the corridor, as Illinois undergoes several changes in cross-section and character from Cincinnati Street to Market Street.

West of Perry Street, more constrained rights-of-way require more trade-offs between all possible street uses in order to accommodate the addition of bikeways. East of Perry Street, wider rights-of-way and decreased residential density along the bluff offer more room for designs that accommodate multiple modes while providing separation from motor vehicle traffic.


Bike lanes on Illinois Ave were identified in the 2009 Bicycle Master Plan and installed following adoption of that plan. Since that time, local neighborhood councils have expressed the desire for improved bicycle infrastructure on Illinois Avenue with greater separation from motor vehicle traffic. In 2020, the Spokane City Council passed a resolution recommending protected bike lanes on this stretch of Illinois Avenue.


The process to select a preferred design is scheduled to occur over the course of spring, summer and early-fall of 2021. Subsequent steps in project development, such as final design, engineering, funding, and construction, will depend on the complexity and cost of the selected design.

Due to funding constraints and to achieve desired changes over both the short-term and long-term, the project will likely be phased. More immediate changes could focus on the use of striping, pavement markings and flex-posts to achieve project goals, while long-term interventions could include construction of permanent medians, sidewalks, bikeways or pathways.

Additional Considerations

  • Phasing of interim installations may be considered prior to long term installations in order to accommodate faster project delivery and to allow testing of layouts and design solutions
  • Funding for final design, construction and specialized maintenance equipment and programming will still be required to carry out any of these concepts.
  • Conceptual drawings and images are available below. These images are for concept planning purposes only.

To Provide Feedback

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