Solid Waste collection is on its normal schedule on Monday's Martin Luther King Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Jayne Auld Final Short Plat

Application/Permit Number:Z19-023FSP


ZBA Architecture


The subject proposal is located near the intersection of E. Francis Avenue and N. Regal Street. Addresses include 6228 N. Lacey (formerly addressed as 2830 E. Francis), 6211 N. Regal Street, and 6205 N. Regal Street.

Description of Project

The applicant is proposing to divide three parcels totaling 79,984 square feet into 6 parcels for the purpose of developing a 38-unit multi-family complex, five duplex homes, community building, associated parking and site amenities. Multi-family development is proposed on the Office zoned parcel (0-35) adjacent to E. Francis Avenue. Duplex development is proposed on parcels zoned Residential Two Family (RTF) which front onto N. Regal Street.

Final Plat Review

Departments that sign a final plat are reviewing the final plat documents. There is no public comment period on a final plat.

Related Documents


Planning and Development Services

Written comments should be sent via mail or email: (if applicable)

Planning and Development Services
Melissa Owen
Assistant Planner
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201-3329