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North Bank Bikeway Proposal

Outcome: This proposal was amended into the Bicycle Master Plan of the City’s Comprehensive Plan following approval by the City of Spokane Plan Commission and City Council in Fall of 2020. Next steps, including a public design process, will be posted to this page.

Proposal Details: With ongoing redevelopment of the North Bank near downtown Spokane, bikeways have been identified as an important way to connect residents and visitors with destinations throughout the district. This amendment to the Bicycle Master Plan, adopted in Fall 2020, plans for future bike lanes on Boone Avenue, Atlantic Avenue and Sharp Avenue through the North Bank from Lincoln to Division, as shown below.


The North Bank is the area north of the Spokane River across from Riverfront Park and Downtown Spokane. The area hosts a wide variety of businesses, restaurants, and venues such as the Spokane Arena and the upcoming Sportsplex, currently under construction. As part of the public planning process for the North Bank Subarea Plan, area residents and businesses have identified bikeways as an important way to accommodate short trips within the area and to nearby neighborhoods.

Proposed Bikeways

This amendment to Spokane's Bicycle Master Plan plans for a new east-west bike lane connection primarily on Boone Avenue, complementing existing bike routes already in place through the area.

  • Bike lanes on Boone Avenue will connect east from Lincoln Street to the north side of Gonzaga Campus via a bike lane connection on Atlantic Street and Sharp Avenue.
  • Funding for final design, construction and specialized maintenance equipment and programming will still be required to carry out any of these concepts.
  • Conceptual drawings and images are available below. These images are for concept planning purposes only.

To Provide Feedback

To comment on this proposed amendment, please send feedback to:

Email: northbankbikeways@spokanecity.org
Phone: 509.625.6804

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Contact Information

Colin Quinn-Hurst
Assistant Planner II
Planning Services

Inga Note
Senior Traffic Planning Engineer
Integrated Capital Management