Proposed Amendment to Map TR12, Chapter 4, Relating to Crestline

What's happening Now:

The City Council held a hearing on this proposal on May 6, 2019 during their regularly scheduled council meeting. Following public testimony, the City Council approved the proposal, which took effect immediately. Comprehensive Plan Map TR12 has been updated, and can be found in Chapter 4 of the Comprehensive Plan.

What is this proposal?

The City Council is considering removing the "proposed arterial designation" from Crestline Street Between 37th Avenue and the intersection of Southeast Blvd and 31st Street from the City Comprehensive Plan Map called "Proposed Arterial Network Map" (Map TR12). This proposal does not remove the possibility of creating a local access street in this vicinity.

Project Activity

A staff report for the Plan Commission dated March 15, 2019 has been prepared. An appendix to the staff report contains additional information, including agency and public comment.

A traffic analysis for a section of 29th Avenue has been completed along with an appendix and a video that highlights the study's recommendation. This traffic study is for the 29th Avenue corridor between Grand Boulevard and Regal Street, if you are looking for the Crestline section only – go to page 18.

On February 25, 2019, Agencies and Interested City Departments were notified of this proposal and given a chance to comment by March 5, 2019. Neighborhood Councils in the vicinity were also notified at this time. A SEPA DNS (Determination of Non-significance) was issued on March 6, 2019; comments intended to alter the DNS or an appeal are due by 5 p.m. on March 26, 2019.

On March 7 2019, a notice was mailed to property owners, taxpayers and occupants within 400-feet of the section of Crestline under discussion.

The Plan Commission held a Public Hearing on March 27, 2019, at 4 p.m., City Council Chambers, Spokane City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.


On July 9, 2018, the Spokane City Council adopted Resolution 2018-0061. The Resolution amended the City's Comprehensive Plan Amendment Annual Work Program to include a proposed emergency amendment that would remove the "proposed arterial designation" from Crestline Street between 37th Avenue and the intersection of Southeast Blvd and 31st. This designation is on Map TR12, Chapter 4, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The city council resolution 2018-0061 states that this situation necessitates an emergency comprehensive plan amendment due to a community need to ensure adequate, appropriate, and available public facilities.

In connection with the proposed amendment, the City Council asked for a traffic analysis to help inform the City Council as well as all interested parties while the proposed amendment is under consideration. The City received a traffic analysis conducted by DKS Engineering in mid-February 2019. The section of the traffic study related to Crestline is on page 18.

If you would like to be notified by email of actions related to this proposal, please email and you will be added to the notification list. You may also contact Tirrell Black, Associate Planner, or 509.625.6185.

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Contact Information

Tirrell Black
Principal Planner
Planning and Development Services
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201-3329